A Potemkin Muslim Contingent For The Marche Républicaine

The government-subvented mosques, the government-paid imams (Dalil Boubakeur in the lead), will turn out the troops, or enough of them, expressing their fake indignation and supposed solidarity with the laic Republic and Voltaire and so on and so forth. It will be amusing to see how many they manage to bring out (in the spirit of the Soviet or Chinese or North Korean forced levies of “happy peasants” who turn out for Stalin, or Mao, or Kim Il Sung) and how the press treats them. And when they attempt, if they do attempt, a Muslim-only march of rage against the “terrorists” it will be about one thing, and only one thing: the sullying of the “image” of Islam, and fears that Muslims may not have quite as easy a time of it as they have, until now, in getting away with presenting themselves as the victims, the wronged, the ones who need to be protected from the islamophobes — that is, all those who, having looked into Islam and the history of Islamic conquest, are rightly alarmed by the large-scale Muslim presence, and the woes, not only terrorist attacks but all kinds of things, that that presence has meant for France and those who are not merely its citizens, but have it, and cherish it, as their enchanting patrimoine.