Are Extremist Muslims Hijacking or Reclaiming True Islam?

by Jake Neuman (July 2013)

The Toronto Times continues:

For the edification of Professor Rayside and organizers of the rally, Islam has not been twisted by extremists who commit atrocities and terrorism in its name. Instead, it is them, who are trying to twist Islam to make a peaceful creed out of a terror cult.

There has been no hijacking of Islam by the so-called extremist Muslims. There are no extremist Muslims.

Osama bin Laden (9/11 Massacre), Major Hasan (Ft. Hood Massacre), the Brother Tsarnaev (Boston Marathon Massacre), Michael Adebolajo (Beheading of British soldier Lee Rigby) and all the other thousands of Jihadists are not extremist Muslims. They are all good, Islam-abiding Muslims, following exactly the teachings of the Quran and the Sunna of Prophet Muhammad.

Let us hear from the very mouth of Muhammad to confirm this:

But then, if Muslims like Mr. Gora and Max Khan would raise fingers at the sacred scriptures of Islam and Sharia Law, they will turn apostates, punishment for which is execution as per Shara Law.

Nonetheless, Muslims of the likes of Tahir Gora and Max Khan, who truly want to rid their religion of violence and terrorism, must reflect on the following teaching of the Quran and Sunnah:

1) The following verses of holy Quran are just a few of the divine exhortations to terrorism and violence to Muslims:

3:151: Terror

9:5: Slay the idolaters

9:29 Fight and subjugate the Jews and Christians

9:123 Fight the unbelievers, be harsh with them

These verses enunciate without any equivocation that the beheading of the British soldier Lee Rigby by Michael Adebolajo is very much a part of the essence of Islam.

The following verses also exhort Muslims to commit violence and terrorism:

Indeed, Michael Adebolajo was only following the Sunna of Muhammad, who, after aggressively attacking and defeating the Jewish tribe of Banu Quraiza in 627 CE, personally beheaded two leaders of the tribe to inaugurate the beheading of 600 to 900 adult Jewish men, judged the growth of pubic hair on their groins.

9:111 Paradise guaranteed to those who kill and are killed for Allah

In Islamic paradise, Muslims will live for eternity in unbounded pleasure and luxury, where they would enjoy endless sexual pleasures with 72 celestial virgins and pearl-like boys. Quran 9:111 is, thus, the most potent evil and atrocious teaching ever taught in history.

Therefore, Muslims like Mr Tahir Gora and Max Khan must realize that the ultimate salvation in their religion of Islam can only be attained when they follow every teaching and command of the Quran and Sunnah, and a big part of those teachings include exhortation to murder, terror, torture, rape, slavery and such acts of horror.

So, what are you out there for shouting to reclaim?

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