Irish Pizza

(January 2012)

Photo GMD

Homemade Pizza

Another riff on homemade pizza uses cheese, dried tomatoes, and fresh basil instead of tomato sauce. You have to rehydrate the tomatoes in some liquid first. Wine and water make for a blessed combination. This simplest of pies is, indeed, an otherworldly treat for most famished tax deductions.

Irish Pizza Update

A cynic might see Irish pizza as an open-faced cheese and tomato sandwich. Done right, a kid will see it as a memory. Take a slice of good multi-grain, adorn with a square of cheddar and a slice of Brandywine tomato with a sprinkle of paprika. Toast bread bottom in a skillet with a smear of garlic butter and bubble the top under the broiler. If you are wary of too much dairy, olive oil works as well as butter. Cut diagonally into four triangles and rearrange like a star.


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