Jillian Becker

Trotsky’s Flocks (August 2021)
Thatcher’s Thinkers: Anecdotes of a Bit-Player (July 2021)
Letter to a Dead Writer: Laurens van der Post (June 2021)
Rebecca West and the Flowers of Evil (May 2021)
Lewis Wolpert: An Appreciation (March 2021)
Francis Brett Young: An Appreciation and Reminiscence (February 2021)
Antony Flew: Philosopher of Atheism (January 2021)
Taken for a Ride with Doris Lessing (December 2020)
Recollections and a Relic of Sylvia Plath (November 2020)
Lionel Abrahams: A Voice for This Season (October 2020)
The Art of Nadine Gordimer (September 2020)
Nadine Gordimer: So Soon Forgotten (August 2020)