Sam Bluefarb

Articles by Sam Bluefarb in New English Review:

The Faces of Love (February 2016)

(March 2015)

Andy Rooney Meets Ernest Hemingway: A Cautionary Tale (November 2014)

Perchance To Dream (October 2014)

On The Death of Robin Williams (1951-2014) (September 2014)

How My Mexican-American Wife Became Jewish (August 2014)

The Road from Theodore Herzl: A Personal Story (July 2014)

The “Neocon Cabal”: Its Roots and Resonances (January 2014)

Jake Barnes: Secular Father Confessor in Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises (December 2013)

Henry Miller’s James Joyce: A Painful Case Of Envy (April 2012)

Bert Meyers, Lyric Poet: an Homage with Some Caveats (September 2013)

The Age of the Grand Hotel (March 2012)

Casablanca: The Bogart-Hemingway Nexus (December 2011)

Notes From a Memoir (September 2011)

The Essential Tragic Conservatism Of Ernest Hemingway (July 2011)

The Magic Mountain and The Middle of the Journey: Analogous Tales (April 2011)

Henry Miller and the Pull of Gravity  (November 2010)