Voyage Infinite

by Dilip Mohapatra (April 2016)

The sea has been lapping

the cables of my anchor

with its saline tongue for years

trying to devour it to its core

but it lives on

undeterred and resolute

surviving the vagaries of weather

though with a thin layer of rust

which like scars left behind

by the wounds that

eventually heal

remind one of strength

and ability to stay on and carry on

and holds onto the shanks

as solidly as ever.


As I weigh my anchors

the cables wound up on the windlass

and give my conning orders

slow ahead both engines

I am ready once again

to set sails to continue on my

endless voyages ad infinitum

Pegasus and Cygnus for company at night

the gulls and albatrosses during day

the heavens revolving past

my steadfast mast

as I go round and round

with the rhythm of the rolls

pitches and yaws

on the spinning carousel that is Earth

chasing horizon after horizon.




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