Away with Conspiracy

by Michael Curtis

Conspiracy theories never end. People love them and have a compulsion to believe falsities whether for personal or ideological reasons. We are told that Elvis Presley, who is rumored to have died in Memphis on August 16, 1977 is still alive. Some suspect that the photos of Apollo 11 landing on the moon in July 1969 were faked, forged by NASA, and that Neil Armstrong had dreamed he had walked on the moon.

Even without drinking Scotch whiskey more than 1,000 people since 1933 have seen “Nessie,” the non-existent Loch Ness Monster. Rational individuals tell us that at least one alien UFO spaceship is stored at Nevada Area 51. Some admirers continue to believe that Marylyn Monroe was murdered to prevent her from revealing important political secrets. Other theater lovers may believe that “William Shakespeare” did not write the plays of William Shakespeare.

So it comes as no surprise that, by implication if not directly, United Nations organizations and Palestinian authorities inform us or insinuate that a Jewish conspiracy is at work in the Middle East. For two thousand years that conspiracy, using the Jewish Jesus to help, apparently misled the world to believe that Jews lived and prayed in Jerusalem and elsewhere in the Middle East.  UNESCO only recently has divulged that the Jewish Temple Mount in Jerusalem is really Al-Haram Al-Sharif, and the Western Wall Plaza is really Buraq Plaza.

More than a century ago the Russian forgery, Protocols of the Elders of Zion, let us know of the Jewish conspiracy to control the world. Today, only some members of the British Labour Party appear to believe this document in its entirety. However, even today, many others, some even denying that they are anti-Semitic, accept that the conspiracy exists in a more limited sense, confined to the geographical area of the Middle East and to particular groups.

For believers in this revised conspiracy the primary evidence is the behavior of the State of Israel towards the Arab people, the Palestinian people, and the peace loving and lovable groups, Hamas and Hezbollah. True, rational people may not accept this scenario if they realize that while conspiracy in the Middle East may exist, it comes from a different source, such as various Arab authorities.

Some of that real conspiracy was made public. At the moment of creation of the State of Israel, the General Secretary of the Arab League, Azzam Pasha, in May 1948, declared that regarding Israel, “This will be a war of extermination, a momentous massacre, which will be spoken of like the Mongolian massacres and the Crusades.”

Twenty years later, not to be outdone, Arab leaders competed with each other in eagerness to fight the “Jewish conspiracy” in Israel that was to become the Six Day War. Hafez Assad, then Syrian Defense Minister, proclaimed on May 20, 1967, “The time has come to enter into a battle of annihilation.” His fellow warrior in the challenge to Jewish conspiracy was Egypian President Gamal Abdel Nasser. On May 27, 1967 Nasser asserted, “Our basic objective will be the destruction of Israel.”

The United Nations General Assembly, and most of the UN institutions, have not hesitated to make known the existence of the Jewish conspiracy to deprive the Palestinian people of their civil rights and to leave them with no hope on the horizon. They also know that this conspiracy led to the Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements (Oslo 1) signed by the PLO leader Yasser Arafat and the Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in the White House on September 13, 1993.

The cunning Israelis had agreed in Oslo 1 to Palestinian self-rule in the West Bank and Gaza Strip for a five-year period during which all sides would be progress to a peace settlement. They deceived the world. They knew this could not happen because of the corruption and incompetence of the PLO chairman Yasser Arafat, who became President of the Palestinian Authority on July 1, 1994 but was really interested in igniting terrorist activity as he did in the riots in Jerusalem in September 1996 and the second Intifada in 2000.

Even worse, in what was an even more diabolical Jewish conspiracy, Israel in 1995 withdrew its forces from the main areas of the West Bank, except Hebron, and ended the civil administration and military government it had set up. The cunning Israelis conspired to pretend they occupy the area, but everyone knows that 60% of Palestinians live in Area A under full Palestinian jurisdiction, and most of the others live in an area where the PA controls civil affairs.

A current conspiracy is that the Fatah faction of the Palestinians is moderate and interested in peace negotiations with Israel. Unfortunately for the conspirators, actual voices proclaim an opposite point of view. One such voice is Sultan Abu Al-Einein, member of the Fatah Central Committee and adviser to Mahmud Abbas, now in the eleventh year of his four-year term as President of the Palestine Authority. In regard to the possibility of peace negotiations, Einein told us, “every place you find an Israeli cut off his head.  I am against talks, negotiations, meetings, and normalization in all its forms with the Israeli occupation.”

To overcome the Jewish conspiracy, Einein approved the murder of four rabbis, calling it a “heroic operation” by a “soldier of Allah,” in a synagogue in Jerusalem in November 2014. Equally heroic were two warriors, Kifah Ghneimat and Iyad Fataftah, in their fight in December 2010 against the Jewish conspiracy. They attacked two women pretending to be hiking in an Israeli forest but actually planning the conspiracy. While the two heroes screamed Allahu Akbar one woman was brutally stabbed to death with a machete and the other was seriously wounded. Ghneimat’s mother explained how he had prepared for his noble deed. He was kind and calm, he ate his meat with tahini, grilled meat, chicken and rice.

All informed commentators, especially those of The New York Times, know of the Jewish conspiracy against Hezbollah. They are troubled by the actions of Jews in spite of the well known terrorist activities of this Lebanese group  They remain surprised that the Israeli “conspiracy” has persuaded a number of nations, including the U.S., France, and, partially, the European Union, though not Russia or the United Nations, to regard Hezbollah as a terrorist organization.

The Jewish conspiracy has not prevented Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, from boasting that his budget, hundreds of millions of dollars said to be $300 million a year is entirely funded by Iran, and comes directly from Iran, not through Lebanese banks. It includes salaries, expenditures, food and drink, weapons and missiles.  President Barack Obama is no doubt aware that as long as Iran has money Hezbollah has money. According to Nasrallah even when sanctions were imposed on Iran, it sent money to Hezbollah.

Hezbollah fights the “Jewish conspiracy.” Even though it is weakened by the losses of at least 1,600 killed and 6,000 wounded of its forces fighting for President Bashar Assad in Syria, nevertheless, it still has more than 100,000 missiles and rockets and has well trained forces to resist the “Jewish conspiracy” coming from Israel. Hezbollah is continuing to mount active resistance, having its members in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip use Facebook to recruit people and to set up terror cells in the West Bank.

For a peaceful resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian differences all talk of Jewish conspiracies must end.  We may be such stuff as dreams are made on but as long as these fantasies of conspiracies last the State of Israel must remain awake, not rounded in sleep.


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