Bosnia Holds Alleged ISIS-Linked Man for Planning Mosque Attack

From Balkan Insight 

The Bosnian state court on Tuesday ordered Mirza Kapic, who is suspected of planning a terrorist attack on a mosque in Bosnia and Herzegovina, to be remanded in custody for a month.

“The suspect is under investigation and is accused of having, during the past month, via electronic communication channels… established contact with individuals who support radical movements and structures assisting the so-called ISIS,” the state-level Prosecutor’s Office stated. “In the correspondence, he expressed a desire to carry out an explosive attack on a mosque in Bosnia and Herzegovina at the end of July this year,” it added. The location of the mosque was not specified.

According to the Prosecutor’s Office, Kapic sought guidance from so-called Islamic State supporters about making an explosive device with a detonator that could be set off via mobile phone. He allegedly an intention to target Islamic community scholars who issue statements against jihadists and report supporters of radical movements and ISIS to law enforcement agencies in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Kapic had previously been sentenced to a year and ten months in prison for his involvement in the conflict in Syria and unlawful possession of weapons.

He will now remain stay in detention until September 4 or until a new decision by the court.