Donald Trump Deserves the Nobel Peace Prize but Won’t Get It.

By Armando Simón

                The Nobel Prizes will be awarded a few weeks from now. It would be hysterically funny just to see liberals’ heads explode, and yet appropriate if he was indeed awarded the prize for peace on October 11.

  Years ago, he was rightfully nominated because of the Abraham Accords, when he brought about the official peace and the recognition of Israel on one hand and the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco, Sudan, and Kosovo on the other. He also moved the American embassy to Jerusalem and recognized it as the de facto capital of Israel. However, anti-Trump hysteria was at its height.

American Jews denounced him as being anti-Semitic and continue to do so to this day. American Jews also fought him in his blocking Muslim terrorists from entering America and have been instrumental for years in facilitating the immigration of Muslims. Now those same Muslims are demanding the extermination of Israel and all Jews. Karma. Meanwhile, many American Jews continue to label him anti-Semitic and Hitlerian, even as they demand respect of Muslims who want to carry out genocide of Jews.

Additionally, he also met with the North Korean dictator, and even set foot in his country, a first ever. And Trump convinced Kim to stop the launching of missiles. Establishing diplomatic relations with North Korea was in the air.

But, just as important is what he did not do. Arguably, he is the first president since 1941 that did not get us into one of those forever wars, where American blood was spilled overseas for  pointless “humanitarian reasons” which, in the end, only benefited the military-industrial complex.

Relatively speaking, the world was at peace. A former prime minister of Britain recently stated that, under Trump, the world was a much safer place. In fact, Trump is very popular among the (non-leftist) peoples of the world, from Britain to Italy to Japan to Uganda to Mexico to, of course, America. But he is absolutely despised by the elites, while the common people are looked down by the disgusting, arrogant elites (illustrated by the recent announcement of Kamala Harris giving the people of North Carolina who have lost their loved ones, their homes, their power, their food and their medicine $750, while billions are sent to Ukraine and Israel, and the money allocated to FEMA was diverted to the illegal aliens so they can stay and eat at hotels for free). The people in turn despise the elites, often responding with boycotts by businesses who advocate the elites’ ideology.

It is interesting that although the overwhelming majority of Teamster union members support Trump, the union elites refuse to endorse him.

Perhaps it has something to do with the slogan that the elites want the people to swallow: “You will own nothing and be happy.”

One has only to see the difference in crowds attending Trump rallies and the rallies of Harris and Walz, the latter two having been chosen by a cabal of elites. Even in the middle of a hurricane, they go out of the way to support Trump.

Trump has promised he will end the war in Ukraine and the other in the Middle East. And everyone knows he can. And he will.

But the elites won’t award him the Nobel Prize for Peace, now, or later.

By contrast, Barak Obama got the Nobel Prize for Peace . . . for being black. The people laughed.



Armando Simón is a retired psychologist and author of Goodbye America It Was Great While it Lasted.