Falling Towers

by Louis René Beres (January 2016)

Falling towers/ Jerusalem Athens/  Alexandria Vienna London/ Unreal (T.S. Eliot, The Waste Land)

Israel must brace itself against intermittent waves of more-or-less orchestrated Palestinian terror.[1] It would first seem sensible, therefore, to orient the country’s national security attention toward most effectively limiting these ongoing and still-anticipated crimes of violence. Nonetheless, terrorism and war are never mutually exclusive, and Jerusalem must also be careful not to deflect any core planning attention from more plainly existential perils.  more>>>


One Response

  1. Everything I have come across so far, pertaining to Islam, past and present, boils down to this: because the fundamental paradigm in Islam (at every level) is slavery, master-slave, a bully mindset, even its ‘theology’ being – as one astute 19th century analyst observed – “a pantheism of force” [utterly amoral and even anti-moral], the only thing that has ever caused it to back down/ stay away is superior force swiftly, severely and unapologetically deployed. If they KNOW that a ten-tonne hammer will be brought down instantly on their heads – or even upon so much as an extended claw – then they tend to keep a lower profile. They defer to “the strong horse”. Israel must both BE – and be perceived to be – a very, very strong horse, capable of kicking very hard and very accurately. It must, as ‘Hugh Fitzgerald’ has put it, both be and seem unassailable. Which is why the Sinai shouldn’t have been given back, and why the waqf should have been evicted from the Temple Mount, and all Musilm structures demolished, the very same *day* that Israel took the Temple Mount and the Old City of Jerusalem in 1967, and why every resident Muslim should have been turfed out of Judea and Samaria as soon as *those* territories were liberated by defensive warfare. Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, like the Golan Heights, are military high ground that Israel must hold, unapologetically and permanently, and if in order to hold them sufficiently securely the (almost entirely non-indigenous, in any case) Muslim population will at some point have to be evicted, that will *have* to be done. Muslim entities throughout history have *never* hesitated to displace or forcibly remove very large populations of non-Muslims (including non-Muslims originally indigenous to territories conquered by Muslims) so there should be no moral qualms about doing what is necessary for survival; why should the Ummah be allowed to demand that Infidels *not* do to Muslims what Muslims have been doing to non-Muslims since the earliest days of Islam (Khaybar, and other drivings-out and dispossessions of non-Muslims)? Muslims would rage, scream and threaten…but at a deeper level they would know in their gut that their opponent was ‘the strong horse’.

    And, mutatis mutandis, the advice given to Israel by Mr Beres, and the comments I have made here by way of further reflection, apply not only to Israel but…to the entirety of what Muslims call the Dar al Harb. Because as Israel, so also the rest of us Infidels vis a vis the de facto Empire of Islam.

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