Glenn Greenwald Outraged By The "Double Standard"

Read Greenwald, defender of the Volkische Beobachtung because it has “free speech rights,” here. And ask if the Franco-Iranian ebay billionaire, Pierre Omidyar, who is apparently now financing Greenwald is spending his money wisely, is showing his gratitude to France, and the United States, where he grew up, rather than in the Islamic Republic of Iran, in quite the right way. He may have been fooled into thinking Greenwald was a defender of civil liberties, when Greenwald is an old-style anti-American and anti-Israel and anti-West propagandist, who decades ago would have defended Stalin, and explained away the Soviet state, and nowadays, naturally has replaced those with Islam, and Muslims. I’m surprised he hasn’t explained how unfair the Western press has been in its failure to accurately depict the Islamic State, or Boko Haram.

Let’s get a few things straight about this story. M’bala M’bala Dieudonne has, for many years now, been squirting his antisemitic remarks, and remarks against the francais de souche, all over the French map. He does this not accidentally, and not occasionally, but as the main part, indeed now almost the entirely of his “comic” act. It’s what his now-tiny audience, consisting of Muslim youths, my-cousin-vinny youts,, and of the kind of kind of beavis-and-butthead French kids who miimic the Musilms of the banlieues in dress and attitudes (some of them end up dead in Syria, a fitting end). That is all Dieudonne stands for. And he is not, as an ill-informed reporter on NPR said, a “popular” comic; what popularity he had, when he used to perform with Elie Semoun, has over the years disappeared.

So when he decided that it would be great fun to mock the country’s collective grief, and shame, and to identify with the mad-dog killer at the kosher supermarket, calling himself “Charlie Coulibaly,” he did so not as a single sally, but as the final straw in his long history of viciousness. And for intelligent reasons, based on history and an understanding of how dangerous antisemitism has been (it killed six million people not long ago), the law that makes the egregious expression of antisemitic remarks (of course the French state does not pursue those who say or make on-line antisemitic remarks, unless it is an exemplary case of someone such as Dieudonne, who does nothing but that, and who makes his audience of young Muslims (and their wannabes) think it’s all just hilarious, and the Jews do deserve to get whatever we can give them, and that explains the daily fears of Jews in many places in France, not only because of what attitudes come naturally to Islam, to people suffused with Islam, but because of whipping-them-up demagogues like Dieudonne, whose two main themes are: first, that the Jews are evil, and deserve what they get; second, that all the fuss made about so-called “antisemitism” shows how powerful Jews are, and how they cleverly manage to present themselves — can you imagine? — as the “victims” of Muslims and of people like Dieudonne, when everyone knows it is we,that is I, Dieudonne and my loyal audience, who dare to expose them and their little game, who in France are the real victims.

Manuel Valls, and the French government, and the French people, have had it with the unfunny antisemite and demagogue M’bala M’bala Dieudonne. And in his seeming to identify wiith, and mocking all the brouhaha, as he implied, over someone who had just committed mass-murder, he’s made the mistake that will, everyone hopes, will end his little career based purely on what he sees as the hilariousness of his hate, and that of the Muslim “jeunes” who know he expresses so well what they, you see, are thinking..