GROOMING TRIAL: Schoolgirl ‘pressured’ into sex act for £50

Oxford again.

There are reporting restrictions, which the Oxford Mail has challenged, which means that the newspaper has only be able to report to the public in a limited capacity since the trial started on 14th October (that is information in the public domain via the Cause list so I hope the Stasi will not come a-knocking on my door, cf Farenheit211) From the Oxford Mail on 18th October, and again this week.

A SCHOOLGIRL was ‘pressured’ into a sex act for £50 in a ‘grotty’ East Oxford house, a court has heard.

The woman, who can not be named for legal reasons, said in a police interview played for jurors at Oxford Crown Court today she had ‘felt sick’ during the ordeal, which she claims happened when she was aged ‘around 13 or 14’.

She was the second alleged child abuse victim to give evidence in the trial of Naim Khan, 41, of no fixed abode, Mohammed Nazir, 44, of Wood Farm Road, Oxford, Raheem Ahmed, 42, of no fixed abode, and Afzal Mohammed, 42, of Randall Street, Oxford. (They) all deny a string of charges including rape, conspiracy to rape and indecent assault. Full list of charges here. 

Prosecutors claim the offences involved three girls, aged between 13 and 15, between 1999 and 2001 in Oxford.

Many details of the case can only now be reported after some reporting restrictions were lifted following a challenge made by the Oxford Mail.

…prosecutor Alan Gardner said the offences took place some 20 years ago. He said: “The case is about sexual exploitation of young girls in Oxford between 1999 and 2001.

“The prosecutions case is […] that the sexual exploitation took the form of rape, sexual assaults, conspiracy to commit those offences, the supply of drugs in order to facilitate these offences, and kidnap and false imprisonment. You will hear during the course of the trial three women […] who will say when they were in their early to mid-teens they were the victims of some of these offences at the hands of these defendants.”

Speaking of one of the alleged victims – who is the subject of the majority of the allegations – he said she was ‘treated as a sexual commodity for the use of older men.’ He said: “Naim Khan, the prosecution say, began to pimp her out to other Asian males, made her sexually available to other men in return for payment.”

In a series of interviews the woman described the incident, which relates to one of the counts of indecent assault faced by Khan. She said she went to a ‘grotty’ house in Howard Street with ‘no knowledge’ of what would be asked of her but felt ‘a lot of pressure’ to agree.

She said: “I told them ‘No, I don’t want to’. I didn’t like the feeling, it felt forced. I felt pressured that I had to, I at least had to try.” The woman continued: “It was like it had been agreed before I even got to the house.”

She told officers she eventually went in the room where Khan, who she does not remember ever having met before, immediately dropped his trousers and told her to ‘go on then’. The woman said she tried but started to choke and stopped, saying he then ‘got angry’ and ‘went moaning’ to her friend and Nazir, who she was in bed with in the next room. “He wanted what he wanted and he was getting annoyed he wasn’t getting what he wanted.”

Jurors went on to hear that the alleged victim was also regularly supplied with cannabis by the men, drugs which were ‘designed to make her more pliable.’

Mr Gardner told jurors the abuse was characterised by sexual exploitation which was ‘designed to extinguish freedom of choice’.

The woman will take to the witness stand on Monday to be cross examined by defence barristers.