Illegal Migrants Into Europe, Taken At The Flood

‘Les entrées sont chaque jour plus importantes que les sorties. Sur l’année écoulée, les États de l’Union ont signifié 112.362 refus d’entrée aux migrants (-13 %). Ils ont également procédé à 157 324 renvois effectifs de clandestins (-2 %). Mathématiquement, le nombre de séjours illégaux grimpe. Il vient même de passer la barre historique des 400 000 détectés en douze mois (+21 %). Tandis que les demandes d’asile ont dépassé les 470 000 (+38 %), principalement répartis entre l’Allemagne, la Suède et, dans une moindre mesure, la France, qui accueille près de 70 000 demandeurs par an.

Close, then, for 2014, to half-a-million officially known to have entered and asked for asylum? . How many more have actually arrived, and simply disappeared, without asking for asyum? Arabs from Libya, Syria, Iraq, and practically everywhere, and black Africans from sub-Saharan lands. Many of them are not even literate in their own languages, seeing Europe simply as an eldorado. The fantastic sums that would need to be spent to make them minimally able to subsist on their own, or rather, the fantastic sums to be spent on health, education, housing, and then, too, on more police and on prisons for the many who end up there, the millions uncomprehending of what an advanced society requires, and the Muslims among them, Arab and African, a source of permanent hostility towards the native non-Muslims their laws and customs, and a source of permanent danger,, physical and civilisational, that does not stop, that grows and grows. And how many tens or hundreds of millions would come, if not stopped?

And if each of those half-million illegals who have formally asked for asylum — forget all those who have snuck in and never had to ask — were to come, how much would it cost the receiving states? If each cost, in health care and housing and education (and think of the size of the families of these people, and their rate of reproduction once in Europe, as compared to the Europeans), $30,000 a year in upkeep for the state, that would be — let’s do the math together — $15 billion more — in addition to the hundreds of billions being spent already on just the tens of millions of Muslims now in Europe, and breeding apparently unstoppably.

Those who bring them — the “passeurs” — are  all Muslims, eager to exploit the situation for gain: Arabs, Tunisians and Libyans, mainly, among the Arabs (but in the chain there are are “Palestinians” and Iraqis and Lebanese too) with some Turks as well.

Two articles from, here and here.