‘Islam no longer religion of peace’ Muslim Charlie Hebdo journalist hits out at extremists

From The Express

We need to stop saying Islam is a religion of peace and love ~ Zineb El Rhazoui

Zineb El Rhazoui, who was luckily in Casablanca the day Islamic State jihadis massacred nine of her magazine colleagues in Paris, said the Islamism of today is “applied Islam” which gives way to terrorism.

The outspoken Moroccan/French journalist is carrying on the work of her beloved friends by speaking out against extremism despite being France’s most protected woman, with state-provided armed guards protecting her 24 hours a day.

Writing in her controversial new book, Detruire Le Fascisme Islamique (Destroy Islamic Fascism), released in France this week, she said: “When we apply Islam to the letter it gives Islamism, and when we apply Islamism to the letter it gives terrorism. So we need to stop saying Islam is a religion of peace and love. What is a moderate Islamist? An Islamist who doesn’t kill?”

The 34-year-old’s book is dedicated to “Muslim atheists” as she hits out at the archaic application of Islam by terrorists who imitate the first Salafists or “pious ancestors”

She also spoke in Arabic to the Arab press and feels it is her duty to remain in the city which caused her so much horror and to be a strong critic of Islam – a religion she grew up with.

Ms El Rhazoui, who describes herself as an “atheist of Muslim culture” told the New York Times’ Women in the World section: “I don’t have the right to renounce my struggle, or to give up my freedom. If the French state protects me it is not little individual me: What is being protected is my freedom to be irreverent, and freedom of expression, so I should exercise this even more because I enjoy this protection….

I have done nothing against the law and have nothing to hide, yet I live with security while those who threaten us are free. And if you call them by their names you are Islamophobic and racist. I am racist? “

…she says as a woman who was born and lived in Islamic Morocco and lives in France, she has the right to criticise religion despite the “dictatorship of Islamophobia which says I have no right to criticise!”.

She added: “If we criticise Christianity it doesn’t mean we are Christianophobes or racist towards the ‘Christian race’. You can no longer speak about Islam without saying it’s a religion of peace and love. 

But when you open any book in Islam what do you find? Violence, blood, oppression of women and hate for other religions. ..  Islam has .. accepted that the freedom of men and women is superior to it, Islam will not be acceptable.”