New English Review’s 2010 Symposium “Decline, Fall & Islam”
What Does Obama Really Want? An Hypothesis.
by Richard L. Rubenstein
ISLAM: What Is To Be Done? by Hugh Fitzgerald
The Muslim Lobby as an Impediment to the US–Israel Relationship
by Raphael Israeli
Historical Methodology and the Believer
by Ibn Warraq
Why Does the Decline of Islam Have to Fall on Us?
by Nidra Poller
An Ideological War on Two Fronts
by Rebecca Bynum
The House of Values: Language and the Human Person
by Mark Anthony Signorelli
Built On Lies; Will End By The Truth
History Gives Us Hope by DL Adams
Scribblers into Activists: from Common Sense to the New English Review
by Jerry Gordon
Western Handmaids of Allah by Mary Jackson
Spain’s Overseas Plazas in Africa, the Gibraltar Question and the Western Sahara; A Complicated Chess Game
by Norman Berdichevsky
Give Saint George Some Fighting Room
by Esmerelda Weatherwax
Of Snobbery and Soccer by Theodore Dalrymple
The Cunning Passageways of TWA Flight 800: An Unauthorized History
by Christopher Carson