Andrew Bolt in the Herald Sun. I do like blunt Australians (so long as they are not criticising whinging poms)

It has been beyond ludicrous to hear politicians and journalists deny that jihadists shouting “Allahu akbar” and quoting the Koran are not religiously motivated. 

Here’s why we see this dumb denial, echoed by Muslim apologists in the West.

  1. To admit the Koran licences terrorism would be to admit that Islam is dangerous in Western societies and needs reform.
  2. To admit the Koran licences terrorism would be to admit that immigration policies must be changed to make Western societies safer.
  3. To admit the terrorists are motivated more by the Koran than by the sins of the West would be to deny the militant Left useful seconders to their own campaigns against our traditions and institutions.
  4. To admit that religion influences behavior, for good or evil, might let Christianity off the hook, given its obviously civilising influence.
  5. People here, many raised to despise organised religion and to have an outlandish admiration for their own ability to reason, simply do not understand that others genuinely like being adherents of a faith and are motivated to serve it. Indeed, it is precisely the West’s lack of faith that earns it not the admiration of its Islamist enemies but contempt.

And thus we have this dialogue of the deaf.