Ivan Rioufol: The Boycott Of Israel Is Intolerable
Did you know that a professor and his art students from Tel Aviv were refused entry to the Louvre and the Sainte Chapelle? Imagine that — art students being refused admission to the Louvre. How many of the art workks in the Louvre would escape destruction, do you think, if Muslims were to prevail in France — how many art works and religious artifacts of non-Muslims (Christians, Hindus, Jews, Buddhists) have been destroyed, over the centuries, by Muslims? Yet, at the instigation of Muslims and their left-wing crazed collaborators, a boycott against Israelis, or rather Jews, has begun, and one of the consequence is that Israeli art students are blocked from going to the Louvre. This fantastic news has not yet reached America. What will happen when it does? Anything? Nothing?
Ivan Rioufol’s fury and discussion offered here.