Mohammad Hossein, Student AT The University Of Illinois, Inspired By Fifty Shades Of Grey


Or, if you want more, here.

And what are the names of the other books that have inspired Mohammad Hossein, a freshman at the University of Illinois who is described as a “student leader,” and his attitude, and behavior, toward women? Qur’an? Hadith? Sira?

And if he is indeed a “student leader,'” whom, what groups exactly, does he — or did he — lead? He was only a freshman. One of the stories – to which I didn’t bother to give a link — includes this:

“The judge was taken aback after Hossain’s lawyer, assistant Cook County public defender Sandra Bennewitz, said Hossain had been involved with several UIC leadership programs, was a student ambassador to the alumni association and was on the triathlon team.”

Was he a “student ambassador” to alumni in general? To Muslim alumni? What was the nature of those “leadership programs” with which he was “involved”? Anything to do with his background, in any way? What more piquant details will come out?

Youth wants to know.


2 Responses

  1. The credulous infidels in the media will blame some inane movie. Although it sure seems funny most non-Muslims who viewed the film, many males presumably among them, did not see fit to torture and rape to their heart’s delight. Perhaps it has something to do with that Quran,Hadith, Sira stuff you mentioned.

  2. Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s short art film “Submission” pretty much lifts the lid on what classical Islam allows men to do to women.

    But perhaps some female apostates could collaborate with a graphic artist or a very brave indie film-maker to create something to extend upon Ayaan’s expose. A film entitled – not entirely parodically – “Fifty Shades of Green”. Which would be an allusion not only to the green that Islam claims as its colour but also to the hadith [Sahih Bukhari, 72: 715] in which Aisha says, of an abused woman amongst the ranks of the Muslims, “I have not seen anyone suffering as much as the believing women. Look! Her skin is greener than her clothes.”

    With the focus being on all the many ways in which perfectly orthodox classical Islam conforms to a no-limits, no-safe-word Dominance-and-Submission model.

    I vividly remember an article that appeared in Front Page some time ago, called “To Rape an Unveiled Woman”. And then there was a book entitled “In the Red Zone”; Frontpage interviewed the author, Steven Vincent. Excerpt: “Polygamy, honor killings, divorce by repudiation, temporary marriages…have returned…What I learned from Nour [his Shiite-Muslim female guide, and a somewhat lax practitioner of Islam – CM] is the psychic claustrophobia of Iraqi [sic – Muslim – CM] society.
    ‘Reputation and virginity are everything. Should a woman lose the first, she is ostracized from ‘good’ society; lose the second before marriage, and she risks being murdered by her ‘shamed’ family. On the street, in restaurants, taxi cabs, moxques and public places, men (and women) stare at females, waiting – hoping – they will do something that will disgrace themselves and fuel invidious gossip. “The relationships between Iraqi [sic: MUSLIM – CM] men and women are sadomasochistic”, Nour told me. From what I saw, she is right…”.

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