Never thought I’d say it but
I’m not going to watch any more soccer on TV
By William Corden
The game that bewitched me as a kid has become so formulaic that it’s more exciting to watch Boris Spassky playing chess, or watching 5 days of Test Cricket, or even, dare I say it, Women’s Basketball
I struggled through the Italy Spain match yesterday and said to myself “that’s it” I’m not watching any more of this overhyped, overpaid and, frankly, boring shadow of what it used to be.
So I turned my attention to the Netflix series on the Tour de France and had to be dragged off to bed kicking and screaming in the wee small hours ‘cos there was still half an hour to go in one of the episodes.
Now that’s what I call riveting entertainment!
These guys are only millimeters away from death each time they go out and the energy they expend in one day would cover a months worth of power put out by the spoiled brats of soccer. It’s a cinderella sport, almost a joke, in the US anyways. Most of the European Superstars could walk down the streets of Vancouver (or any North American city for that matter) unmolested, whereas they’d get mobbed at their own front doors back home
I’m still retaining a bit of interest in the National Hockey league because our Canadian Edmonton Oilers are in the thick of a seven game series final.
Cheer for us tonight😊