Tareq Yousef Al-Masri: Admit It — Muslims Are Time Bombs, We Hate Christians


He can’t allow himself to locate the source of the problem in the Qur’an, in the Hadith, in the example of Muhammad — though he does indicate that the “kind verses” in the Qur’an are treated by those who apply “naskh” (abrogation) as of no value, demonstrating that there are other, unkind verses in the Qur’an, leading to the unkindest cuts of all. 

But he’s stating some home truths, to fellow Muslims. He describes those Muslims who, “repenting” of their Western decadence, pick up bombs by way of showing they have Got That Old-Time Religion. He mentions that Muslims hate Christians — but he sticks to the example of their refusing to wish Christians “Merry Christmas” and does not discuss the verses in the Qur’an that inculcate hatred of Jews and Christians, and of course of all those who are not even Ahl Al-Kitab, “People of the Book.”

It’s remarkable. One wonders how that imam is now faring.