The Iconoclast
Sweden: The Muddle Way (And Much Worse)
Burak Bekdil: Erdogan And Those Shoeboxes
Charles Jacobs: Jewish Hero Found Dead in Buenos Aires
Late Argentine Prosecutor Alberto Nisman Source: AFP Following our post this morning on the mysterious death of courageous Argentine General Prosecutor, Alberto Nisman, Charles Jacobs of Americans for Peace and […]
Watching Television Can Be Harmful
Bobby Jindal Steps Up on Islam, No-Go Zones, and the Necessity for the Full Assimilation of Muslim Immigrants
(a report in UK tabloid the Daily Mail that purported to highlight the challenges facing law enforcement in such areas. Earlier in the interview, Jindal acknowledged: “I knew by […]
A Musical Interlude: Cossack Lullaby (voc.Oleg Pogudin)
The lyrics are by Lermontov. So are the pictures. Listen here. “Pechorin, tvoy sovet ya prinyal, i vot uzh tretij den’ zhivu…” (for the Dagestan delegation)
Gigantic Muslim Protests In Chechnya Against Freedom Of Speech
Was Argentine Prosecutor Nisman a Suicide or Assassinated?
The Late Argentine Prosecutor Alberto Nisman Source: Reuters A few hours before a scheduled Argentine Congressional hearing, the body of General Prosecutor Alberto Nisman was found locked inside his […]
Ali Belhadj OF Algerian FIS: French Mustn’t Dare Try To Tell Us What To Do
Hezbollah Threat to Israel Revealed in IAF Attack in Syria near Golan Killing 10
Jihad Mughniyah, Hezbollah Commande Source: The Daily Star Sunday, The Daily Star in Beirut reported a possible Israeli helicopter missile attack in Syria’s Quneitra province adjacent to the Golan […]
This I Believe
I believe that for every drop of rain that falls a flower grows. I believe that we need a society that is both diverse and inclusive. I believe that we […]
How To Put It
We are not going to welcome, we have no obligation to accept into our midst, those who do not accept, unfeigningly, the laws and customs and understandings of our country. […]
The Famed Journalist Philippe Tesson: It’s The Muslims Who Are Trying To Destroy The Laic State
Philippe Tesson speaks his mind. He was for many years the editor of Combat. He is combative, and he’s in his ’80s, and he lived through the war, during which […]
Brother of Lee Rigby’s killer praises Paris jihadis
From the
Jihad Mughniyeh, Four Other Hezbollah Terrorists Killed
Anti-Islamist PEGIDA rally in Dresden called off after threat
From threat of an attack. “On analyzing the current situation, we now no longer believe this is an abstract danger, but rather a concrete one,” Dieter Kroll of Dresden’s police […]