The Iconoclast
Give Me That Old Time Religion
Listen here.
What Became Of Deso Dogg Since He Gave Us All The Slip
Read here.
Israeli PM Yitzhak Rabin’s Legacy: 20 Years After His Assassination
This weekend there will be many commemorations and discussions on the 20th anniversary of the assassination of Israeli PM Yitzhak Rabin by Yigal Amir, an extremist who killed him […]
Do Women Want Equality? — The Fiamengo File Episode 12
Evangelical Anti-Zionism as an Adaptive Response to Shifts in American Cultural Attitudes
Dexter Van Zile Continue reading here.
The Socialist Republic of Canada
The results of the Canadian general election are now graven in stone and Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party has been given a decisive majority. Canadians have opted for change without stopping […]
Clifford May On What Happened To SodaStream
The consequences here.
Where Could a Poet Run? by Miklós Radnóti
Translated from the Hungarian & Edited by Thomas Ország-Land (November 2015) 1. The First Eclogue Quippe ubi fas versum atque nefas: tot bella per orbem, tam multae scelerum facies… […]
Definitive Me
by Dilip Mohapatra (November 2015) Earth in my body an inheritance and a legacy is but a small scoop from the lithosphere. more>>>
Potatoes Cooked for Dinner
by Sutapa Chaudhuri (November 2015) In mustard oil, with poppy-seed paste and diced Jack-fruit seeds. A sprinkle of salt and turmeric over the cubed greens, more>>>
You Might Not Choose to Read These Lines
by Bibhu Padhi (November 2015) There is no question, no urgency in seeking inconclusive answers. No desire for change and occasions; more>>>
Vale atque Ave
by James Como (November 2015) In the beginning of our idyll, away from the Projects and concrete, right in front of our new home with a lawn near a […]
Dancing with Minguito
by David P. Gontar (November 2015) One of her earliest memories was of a tall, gaunt dama handing her a cup of tea. The flesh was taut, stretched over contorted […]
by A. Human Being (November 2015) December 9, 2014: On the bus from Marawi to Maramag, Philippines It’s impossible to get what I want, Saladin thought on the day of […]
The Delicious Irony of Irwin Schiff (1928-2015), R.I.P.
by Richard Kostelanetz (November 2015) In libertarian circles, Irwin Schiff will always be remembered as a Great American Tax Protestor who regarded federal income taxes as “unconstitutional,” sometimes declaring zero […]
Leaving Hinduism to Embrace Equality
by Ankur Betageri (November 2015) One of the main sources of disharmony in Indian society is the eternal antagonism between the Brahminists and the Dalits. The Brahminist (defined as […]