The Iconoclast
The Lesson From Pope Francis and Queen Elizabeth II
During the last year, Pope Francis has spoken out on a number of controversial political issues, including poverty, the environment, immigration, the fate of Christian communities in Arab countries, and […]
For ISIS, It’s Been A Very Good Year
One year after a caliphate was declared spanning Syria and Iraq, there is little to celebrate — unless you’re ISIS. Despite a massive international campaign to defeat the the brutal […]
Yemen News
Yemen’s Houthi fighters fired missiles at storage tanks at an Aden refinery on Saturday, starting a large fire, and 14 people were killed in clashes between the Houthis and Saudi-led […]
ISIS is waging a ‘water war’ in Southern Iraq
The Shi’a “marsh Arabs” being driven out as
Rand Paul Hits Right Note on Supreme Court Marriage Decision
He writes in
Erdogan’s Plan to Establish a Buffer Zone in Syria to Punish Kurds, Thus Aiding ISIS
Turkish Solder on border overlooking Kobani Source: Murad Selzer/Reuters The Daily Beast has a report today, that Erodgan is threatening to establish a buffer zone in Northern Syria, the better […]
Fourth of July terror warning issued by FBI, Homeland Security
USA Today: Federal authorities have warned local law enforcement officials across the country about a heightened concern involving possible terror attacks targeting the July 4th holiday, a U.S. law enforcement […]
A Forgotten Geo-Political Name Game: Palestine-Israel-Jordan
Michael Zimmerman writes in the
Happy Birthday, Canada
As we observe the 148th anniversary of Confederation, there are a few facts civic-minded Canadians should remember. However humdrum it may seem at times, this system has served us well […]
Israel Not Getting Boycotted Where It Counts
It is always a moment of amusement to read the latest fulmination of the venerable archbishop emeritus Desmond Tutu. On June 17, 2015, he beguiled us again with his message […]
Gerstenfeld on Israel’s Contribution towards Defeating the Islamic State
Manfred Gerstenfeld Manfred Gerstenfeld , author of The War of a Million Cuts reviewed in the June 2015 New English Review, published a prescient essay mid-June in the Jerusalem Post. […]
‘An attack upon the nests of fornication, vice and disbelief in God’: ISIS’s chilling words after Tunisian massacre which killed 38 as they warn ‘worse is to follow’
From the
Most Tunisia hotel attack victims were British: Tunisia premier
Congress Passes “Landmark” Anti-BDS Amendment Opposed by J Street and Peace Now
What some consider as a “landmark” anti-BDS Amendment to the Fast Track Trade Promotion Authority legislation passed the Senate on Wednesday afternoon, June 24, 2015. Having passed both the House […]
IS calls for jihad, martyrdom during Ramadan
I didn’t have a chance to post this on Tuesday – they weren’t joking were they!
Will Polygamy be Next?
And if not, why not?