Tunisian Politician Neji Djelloul: Protocols A Forgery, "We Blame The Jews For Everything"
One minute of sense and decency during a television program in Tunisia, a country which, thanks to Bourguiba and more than a half-century of systematic secularizing by him and those who agreed with him, a part of the Tunisian population — that part which reads the French-languagre press, sends its children to French-language schools (or do the C.N.E.D. at home), follows French television — has had the chance to take its place on the rational planet of non-Muslims. But what’s amazing about this clip is that it is amazing at all — that merely stating what all educated people in the West know to be true, that The Protocols was a forgery — becomes in the context, a statement that requires bravery, from a singular figure, who meets only with opposition or embarrassed silence. And Djelloul then goes on to state a further home truth — in Tunisia, as everywhere else in the Muslim Arab lands, “everything is blamed on the Jews.”