Destructive Preservation by Theodore Dalrymple
David Cameron, Flogging His Wares
by Hugh Fitzgerald
Aeschylus: Dignity of and Sympathy for the Persians, Or, Why Edward Said is Wrong Yet Again
by Ibn Warraq
Mega-Mosque Conflicts in America by Jerry Gordon
Mohamed Ahmed, from Cairo to Nashville
by Rebecca Bynum
To The Lighthouse: Feminine Mastery Of Inner Dialogue
by Thomas J. Scheff
by Mark Anthony Signorelli
Why Fiction May Be Twice as True as Fact
by Keith Oatley
Gy?rgy Faludy’s Happy Days in Hell
by Thomas Orsz?g-Land
Libert?, ?galit?, Boulangerie by Nidra Poller
The Golden Calf Idols of the World Cup, The Olympics, and What Happened in Berlin, 1936
by Norman Berdichevsky
What is a Mosque? An Interview with Sam Solomon
by Jerry Gordon
Why I Am A Zionist by Robert Wolfe
The Byzantine Scribe by Geoffrey Clarfield
Struggle Itself is Victory: The American Utopian Imperative
by DL Adams
Work, Rest and Play – By Golly It Does You Good.
by Esmerelda Weatherwax
Revival: Memorials and the Gate to the Human Heart
by Thomas J. Scheff
The Dream of Abbie Burgess
by Mark Anthony Signorelli