Snow Flurries by Andrew Wyeth
A Word to the Wise by Theodore Dalrymple
Hannah Arendt, the Holocaust, and the State of Israel
by Richard L. Rubenstein
The World View of Hasan al-Banna and the Muslim Brotherhood
by Joseph S. Spoerl
Why the Left Frequently is Right….And Vice Versa
by Fergus Downie
Putin's Crucifix by G. Murphy Donovan
“Not the Time to Conquer Gaza”: Israel’s Operation Pillar of Defenses
by Jerry Gordon
The Middle East in Turmoil by Jerry Gordon & Mike Bates
A Portrait of Elizabeth: Shona Farmer from Zimbabwe
by Geoffrey Clarfield
Dogs and the Joy of Living by Rebecca Bynum
Sweet FA by NB Armstrong
“The Freest Journalist in Canada”: An Interview with Ezra Levant
by Jerry Gordon
The Shuk and the Kotel: A Gathering-In by Moshe Dann
Is Art Inevitably Tainted by Politics?
by Norman Berdichevsky
Homage to Pascal by Thomas J. Scheff
Mayor Michael Bloomberg? by Richard Kostelanetz
Laura Norder by Esmerelda Weatherwax
Thermopylae by Constantine P. Cavafy
translated by Len Krisak