The Iconoclast
AQ Yemen: Anwar al-Awlaki Planned Charlie Hebdo Attack – Was Years in the Making
(Anwar al-Awlaki masterminded the attack before his death in 2011. If true, that means the planning for the massacre started at least three years ago. The AQAP leader did not […]
Jewish-Owned Business Threatened in DC
The police are dithering. Of course you may remember what happened to the Texas man who got drunk and called in a WASHINGTON (WJLA) — A thriving D.C. business is the target […]
Denmark looks to charge jihadists with treason, while in Austria internment is suggested
From the Danish edition of Austria Austria’s right-wing Freedom Party (FPÖ) has said that anybody who returns to Austria after suspected involvement with the Islamic State (Isis) terrorist militia should […]
Dieudonné held after ‘Charlie’ Facebook post
From the French edition of Prosecutors had opened the case against him on Monday after he posted “Tonight, as far as I’m concerned, I feel like Charlie Coulibaly” — mixing […]
Abdulrahman Al-Rashed: Iraq Buys Outdated Arms From Iran
Iran, Iraq, their bazaaris, their souk. Here.
All Over France, Muslim Students Refused To Observe The Minute Of Silence
And young Muslims (and not so young) are filling the social media with their tweets in support and admiration of the killers.. One English-language report here.
Some In The MSM Can Actually Articulate The Problem Clearly
Leo McKinstry, a well-known British journalist and author, in the ‘Express’ (a popular U.K. ‘red-top’ newspaper) gets it, and isn’t afraid to say it, either: From the Express at this […]
Burak Bekdil: Erdogan, Turkey, And Selective Indignation
Erdogan, Like Muslims All Over The World, Is Convinced CIA And Mossad Were Behind The Paris Attacks
The madness reported on here. And other stories here: Turkey’s Erdogan Hits Out at Netanyahu for Role in Paris Rally Erdogan blasts Netanyahu for ‘daring’ to attend Paris rally […]
Charlie Hebdo: Radical cleric Anjem Choudary calls cover depicting Mohamed an ‘act of war’
From the The cover depicts the Prophet with a tear falling down his cheek, holding a sign reading “je suis Charlie”, replicating the phrase used on banners, stickers, clothes and […]
Leo McKinstry: The Political Class That Doesn’t Dare Admit How Wrong It Has Been
Islamic State Trains The Next Generation
Vive la France!
I long ago predicted that France will show the way to the appropriate response to Arab extremism. It is not the least irony that this should happen under the most […]
Manfred Gerstenfeld On The Demonizing Of Israel And The Jews
Here. Nothing of which you are not grimly and furiously aware, but it might be useful to put it up anyway. Perhaps Angela Merkel will see it, and not show […]
Game-Show Host Of Weekend Sunrise Andrew O’Keefe Makes Himself Perfectly Clear
Here. But not in the way Andrew O’Keefe thinks. He — and presumably his collaborator in the travesty they presented, that was dissected in public by Qanta Ahmed — has decided […]
Valls Makes France, And Perhaps Europe, Recognize The Prison Da’wa Problem
Valls chooses to recognize that there is a problem, but he’s limiting his understanding to “radicalisation” and not to Daw’a itself. A great mistake.. The place in France, and in […]