24 April 2015: The 100th Anniversary of the Jihad Genocide of the Armenian Christians and of Other Christian Communities – Assyrian, Pontic Greek – Within the Ottoman Empire

A roundup of reports and historical testimony, here:


Still more, here: Andrew Bostom’s “The Jihad Genocide of the Armenians”, which refers to two of the most important accounts of the genocide, by the scholar Vahakn Dadrian, and by an earlier researcher, Reverend Kai Balakian (author of “Hai Koghota”, Armenian Golgotha).


From that article – “Six thousand four hundred Armenian [Christian] children, young girls and women from Yozgad were decamped by their Turkish [Muslim] captors at a promontory some distance from the city.  Then (this is from Balakian’s eyewitness account) “To save shell and powder, the gendarmerie commander-in-charge of this large convoy had gathered 10,000 to 20,000 Turkish [Muslim] peasants and other villagers, and armed with “hatchets, meat cleavers, saddler’s knives, cudgels, axes, pickaxes, shovels”, the latter attacked, and for some four to five hours mercilessly butchered the victims while crying “Oh God, Oh God” (Allah, Allah).

“In a moment of rare candour, this gendarmerie commander confided to the priest-author [i.e. Balakian], whom he did not expect to survive the mass murder, that after each massacre episode, he spread his little prayer rug and performed the namaz, the ritual of worship, centred on prayer, with a great sense of redemption in the service of Almighty Allah.” [end quote].

And here, a brief account of the heroism of a small Armenian Christian community who fought back against their Muslim would-be mass-murderers: the story that inspired a Jewish researcher, Franz Werfel, to write the book “Forty Days of Musa Dagh” (1933).


More about the book – and the utterly despicable Turkish Muslim attempts, spanning some eighty years, to bully and threaten and  generally manipulate western governments into 1/ suppressing the book and 2/ squelching its transformation into the blockbuster movie that it ought to have become, years ago.  The Turkish – and Kurdish and Arab – Muslims flatly and brazenly deny that what happened was a genocide and was evil; not only have they tried to suppress the story of Musa Dagh, they are still threatening and throwing tantrums should any Infidel political or religious leader dare to call the jihad mass-murder of the Armenian (and Assyrian and Greek) Christians what it was – genocide.


May the day soon come when, one after another,all our religious and political leaders may find the courage to defy Turkish Muslim bullying and nonsense and lies and call things by their right names.

In the meantime: may the memory of the martyrs never be forgotten; may the little nation of Armenia, miraculously existent in despite of everything, blossom and flourish and be blessed by the true and living God; and may the richness and beauty of traditional Armenian Christian culture become known to many.

Here is just one small sample of that Armenian Christian culture which was so very nearly annihilated by the murderous Nothing that is Islam.  A simple lullaby, “You are a plane tree”, “Chinar es”, which is surely one of the most beautiful songs ever created.



One Response

  1. I was very glad to find your article. Though I have seen mention of the Armenian massacre, few have included such useful links and sources. I am presently writing some articles for my blog (and probably will send out some articles) debunking the myth of ‘Islamophobia’ and would like to include your article as a source. May I have your permission? My blog is http://www.chyleneramsey.wordpress.com; it’s not much, but it does have a good readership. I will naturally give you proper credit,

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