5-year-olds wear hijab as school uniform

This is from the Sunday Times by Sian Griffiths the Education Editor. Despite the Mayor of Tower Hamlets contracticting their report last week about the Christian child of secular Muslim heritage placed with two strict salafist Muslim foster families, and the accusations of lies from the left-lolling newspapers the Guardian and the Independent, the Times seems to retain the courage to continue to report on the impositions of Islam and the specific danger to young girls. It’s behind the paywall and no other paper is repeating it, so for copyright reasons I will not be conveying much of the article verbatim. 

Thousands of state primary schools are allowing girls as young as five to wear the Muslim religious headscarf as part of approved school uniform, a Sunday Times survey has revealed.

The rise of the classroom hijab has alarmed female Muslim campaigners, church leaders and academics. They say it is divisive, sexualises young girls because it is traditionally not worn until puberty, and should be “fiercely resisted”.

Ofsted, which is the UK schools regualtor, is looking into whether, and if so how much pressure is being put on Head Teachers to change school uniform. 

A senior Ofsted source said: “While it is for schools to determine their uniform rules in accordance with the law, there is growing concern about the hijab appearing in a primary school uniform list. We are looking at whether there is evidence that schools are facing external pressure to adapt their policies.”

The Sunday Times ran a survey which showed that 18% of the primary schools ( age 3-11) they sampled included the hijab as part of the uniform. 46% of Birmingham schools, 34% in Tower Hamlets and 36% in Luton included it as part of their written uniform policy. It wasn’t so common in Leicester (large community of Hindus and Sikhs there) and Manchester. Some of the schools sampled are Church of England Primaries. 

The Times quoted campaigners such as Gina Khan of Birmingham and Amina Lone, a Muslim former Labour parliamentary candidate who want the government to issue guidance that the hijab has no place in primary schools, and inspectors to report on those schools who allow it. They say that the school staff are afraid of being called islamophobia if they decline; they are being told it is a religious requirement; but they should be supporting Muslim girls to make their own choice and not be marked out. 

Lord Carey, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, said the formalisation of the wearing of the headscarf for young girls in primary schools should be “fiercely resisted”. He added: “Personally, I am against the wearing of hijabs altogether. I believe we are in a secular western country largely influenced by the Christian faith.”

Michael Nazir-Ali, former Bishop of Rochester, said: “I see no necessity to have a hijab listed within a school uniform policy. If there are difficulties, they can be negotiated on a case-by-case basis between parents and schools. By including it in a policy, parents may come under pressure from religious leaders — who might say you are not a good Muslim if you do not do it.”

But the current Bishop of Bradford, Toby Howarth said girls want to look like their Mums and so long as it is the right colour the hijab should be incuded in the uniform as it is a matter of religious identity not sexualisation. To which I would say that I wanted to look like my Mum and wear bright red lipstick, but you wouldn’t let a 9 year old in school so dressed. 

The Department for Education said uniform policies were for schools to decide, adding: “If a school decided to allow a pupil to wear a burqa, that would be up to the school.

I wish you could see the comments; The most recommended comment is from a Sikh about how he was watched his hometown of Leeds become more and more islamified over his lifetime. 

This is another highly recommended : The creep, creep, creep of Mohammedanism continues to spread aided and abetted by the useful British idiots bent on the destruction of UK’s Christian foundations. Such is the hate of the communist left, they would cut off the noses of ordinary Britons to spite their faces for wanting to keep a non Muslim, cultural identity. Ban the Burka in all public places including schools.

and another: Absolutely right.Stamp this islamification out now.Or is it too late?

and Another planned insidious attack on British culture by radical Muslims which our left wing loonies will defend! Stop this now!

my favourite; I recall our community relations officer talking to the staff before a parents evening.   We had a high percentage of Mirpuri families.   She gave strict instructions that women teachers should not rise to greet the parents and shake the hands of the men because it was not in their culture.  A shocked and embarrassed murmur went round the room.  We were (forcefully) reminded of the cultural faux pas involved.  Suddenly, with full use of a teacher’s carrying-voice, a member of the staff room said “Well, it’s in my b….y culture!”  This was 20 years ago – instructions on how to accommodate/indulge these cdifferences have been happening for years, all in the vain hope of what?  Assimilation?

and so on. I have noticed complaints in the Middle Eastern press this last month or so complaining about the increasing islamophobia of the British Press. I don’t want to get too optimistic too soon, but maybe the media has noticed atlast that attitudes have changed, despite their best efforts to follow the PC agenda. 


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