Act of betrayal: rescued by the Royal Navy from Libyan warzone and evacuated back to Britain – three years before he slaughtered 22 people at a pop concert

Our Judeo–Christian morality regards this as a ‘betrayal’ but to him, under his code, it was probably an action to delight Allah, and no more than the infidels deserved. From the Daily Mail. 

The Manchester suicide bomber was rescued by the Navy from war-torn Libya three years before his pop concert atrocity, the Mail reveals today.

HMS Enterprise plucked Salman Abedi, then 19, from the Libyan coast and took him to Malta for a flight home to Britain in August 2014.

Last May he set off a bomb in Manchester Arena that killed 22, including seven children. Abedi’s younger brother, Hashem, who is in jail in Tripoli facing trial over the attack, was also rescued by HMS Enterprise.

Abedi was known to the security services and was being monitored at the time of his trip to Libya. However, just one month prior to his rescue, MI5 closed his case as a result of mistaken identity. The presence of the Abedi brothers among the 110 evacuees from Libya in 2014 was confirmed by family friends in Libya. One said: ‘They were sent together by the Royal Navy to Malta.’After being dropped off in Malta, Salman and his 21-year-old brother – the British-born sons of Libyan migrants – flew back to Manchester where they were living at the time.

Salman, who was on a gap year from Manchester College, went on to study business management at Salford University, before dropping out and descending into a fanatical spiral that culminated in last year’s suicide bombing at the age of 22.

The Abedi brothers shuttled back and forth between Manchester and Tripoli because their parents – Ramadan and Samia – had returned to Libya.Ramadan is thought to have gone back in time for the 2011 revolution, allegedly fighting against the Gaddafi regime with the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group.

It is not certain whether the two brothers were with their father at the time of the revolution or instead in neighbouring Tunisia.But they were on holiday in Libya in August 2014 when civil war fighting broke out and British officials offered to evacuate UK citizens.

The Royal Navy was tasked with picking them up, along with other British nationals, on a list provided to sailors.


One Response

  1. The word “betrayal”hardly begins to describe the atrocious actions of Abedi. Weren’t his parents accepted into the UK as refugees from Libya? Then later their British-born son was rescued by the Royal Navy from the same Libya they had supposedly previously fled. Twice Britain came to their rescue. Yet Abedi saw fit to murder innocents in this land that had been so kind and generous to his family. The depth of his monumental treachery can’t be described in words—but it can be felt at the visceral level.

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