Aussie Cop Invited to Ramadan Dinner For a Heaping Dish of Dawa With a Side Serve of Soft Soap

And it doesn’t sound as though Queensland’s Acting Assistant Police Commissioner Brent Carter had his BS detector switched on.  If he had read about the core principle of al wala wa al bara, Loyalty (to Muslims only) and Enmity (toward non-Muslims qua non-Muslims), or had he read Quran 48.29, or any of the many verses that adamently condemn and forbid the forming of any sort of genuine friendship with unbelievers – although a feigned friendship, temporary and for Muslim advantage, is permitted (see Quran 3.28 and the orthodox commentaries thereupon) – if Muslims are currently weak vis a vis the surrounding non-Muslims, he might have been a little more wary of this smilingly-offered invitation.

Yet more dawa from Australia’s ABC, with one Courtney Wilson breathlessly reporting on an oh-so-sweet Australia-resident Mohammedan family who are doing their bit for the Ummah by getting busy buttering up the local police chief.

“Logan Family (that is: Logan-resident Muslim family – CM) Invites Queensland Police Chief to Ramadan Feast in Bid to Break Down Cultural Barriers.

Ah yes, “cultural barriers”.  It’s actually all about getting rid of anything that gets in the way of Islamisation.  If a regional Infidel police chief can be fooled into thinking Muslims – and especially the local Muslim colony, steadily expanding – are nothing to worry about, as he accepts that plate of delicious dawa rom a doe-eyed Muslimah who looks like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth, then his – and our – guard will be down and the Jihad, the struggle to impose the total dominance of Islam, and of Muslims, everywhere, including Australia, will go on that much more swiftly and easily. – CM

‘The daily family ritual of sitting down to dinner together has taken on a new significance for about half a million Australian Muslims observing the holy month of Ramadan.

Which is also the Month of Jihad, my dear Courtney Wilson. Did you know that? No, you’ve just been fed the usual disinformation intended to keep the wool over your, and our, eyes…until it is too late. – CM

‘They must abstain from all food and drink during daylight hours (and lucky for them, here in the southern hemisphere, this year Ramadan falls during the period of shortest days and longest nights!, so, big deal, eat a big breakfast before dawn, spend the – short – daylight hours getting over it, then sit down to dinner the minute the sun drops below the horizon – CM) to purify the soul, refocus on God, and practice self-sacrifice.

Well, until the sun goes down. Then it’s time for a frenzy of overeating. And beyond that, in various places it isn’t self-sacrifice that’s been going on, but various successful or less-successful attempts to sacrifice the dirty unbelievers…e.g. all those terrified British tourists in Tunisia, and that poor bloke in France. – CM

‘The fast is broken every evening at sunset with special meals enjoyed together with family and friends.

“It’s such a special thing for us, the Ramadan dinner”, said mother-of-five Canan Coskun from Logan, south of Brisbane.

Mother of five. Demographic jihad in full swing, to outbreed and outnumber and overwhelm the dirty infidels.  – CM

“If you can imagine you haven’t eaten all day (plenty of us know what that feels like; all of us have skipped lunch from time to time, my dear, for all kinds of reasons; so why are you trying to make out you’re so speshul just because of eating breakfast early and then skipping lunch before eating dinner at sunset – 5.30 pm, right now in much of Australia? – CM) so you’re really looking forward to that soup and that bread and everything just seems so delicious.”

‘Her family hosts the special dinners, or Iftars, where they invite non-Muslim guests to share in the evening meal at their home.

Dawa.  They are not allowed to eat with or befriend non-Muslims, unless it is for the protection and/ or promotion of Islam. Of late, there have been signs of resistance to Islam among some non-Muslim Aussies, even hints that some have been finding out all those things that Muslims don’t like non-Muslims to know about Islam – except, of course, when it’s too late, and the Muslims are strong enough locally or regionally to do exactly as they are instructed to do to non-Muslims – so some among the Ummah have obviously decided it’s time to slather on the soft soap. – CM

‘This year the Coskuns counted Queensland’s Acting Assistant Police Commissioner Brent Carter among their guests.

“What better thing to do with someone than to sit down and have food with them?” said Mrs Coskun.

Fattening the sheep for slaughter…? – CM

“Especially when we’re in my home and I’m serving them food.  To share that special moment with people from other faith backgrounds, it means a lot to us.”

Suuuure.  I’ll bet it does, so long as you think it may incline them to accept Islam, or at least to put up no resistance to the spread of Islam.  – CM

‘Mrs Coskun said she believed having a meal together could also help to break down barriers.

To break down barriers…to break down barriers against the spread of Islam and the imposition of Muslim dominance, by lulling unwary non-Muslims into thinking that Islam and Muslims are nothing to worry about…and therefore making those thus lulled, less inclined to listen to the warnings of other worried infidels who have read the Islamic texts, read a modicum of history, and have decided that there is something – rather a lot – to worry about.  And if the warnings of the worried and well-informed are not heeded, are pooh-poohed by those who have just had such a yummy dinner with such a sweeeet, sweeetly-smiling Muslim mama, then one day it will be too late. And then the smiling mask temporarily donned by such local representatives of the Ummah will come off. No more goodcop. Just the badcop.  Pure by-the-book strictly-according-to-the-Sunnah, Islam.  Like we are seeing in Syria and Iraq. – CM

“I’ve had many people over at my house who have never seen a Muslim person before, or maybe they’ve never seen a  woman in a hijab”, she said.

Do you tell them that you believe that unless you’re wearing the slave rag, your ‘allah’ can’t or won’t listen to your prayers?  Do you tell them that a woman who isn’t wearing the slave rag is by definition a whore and a slut, uncovered meat? – CM

“They’re sitting at my dinner table and just kind of looking at me serving them soup and serving them sweets and I can see them thinking, “Wow, they’re pretty much like us and they’re quite normal.”

“Pretty much like us”.  Nevertheless, the most recent surveys show that a very, very high proportion of Muslims in Europe are rabidly, luridly, screamingly antisemitic, far more so than the surrounding non-Muslims.  If that’s the case in Europe, one may probably safely assume that things are similar in Australia and anywhere else that the ummah has established colonies.   I wonder what would happen if the subject of Jews, and of Israel, were to be raised at this lady’s cosy dinner-table, by any of her Infidel guests?  What if someone were to openly express support – approval – of Israel’s self-defence against the Jihad? –  CM

‘The notion of going without food for thirty days (no, it isn’t “going without food for thirty days”, it’s merely “skipping lunch and not drinking anything during daylight hours, for thirty days” – CM) also sparks plenty of questions from non-Muslim guests.

Which gives her lots of opportunities to pour on the dawa, hot and strong.   Of course, by now so many Aussies, not being familiar with their bibles any more, have forgotten what Jesus had to say about those who make a big show of ostentatious piety in public. – CM

“They just think we’re refraining from food and water, but it’s more than that,” said 18 year old Seyma Coskun.  “It’s about developing more spiritually, it’s about doing more good (ah, yes, my dear girl; but do please define more precisely what you mean by “good”, because it doesn’t necessarily mean what we kuffar think of as “good” – CM), it’s about making better habits”.

About being an ever more pious, Mohammed-imitating, sharia-observant Muslim.  Like so many, many other Muslims who become visibly more observant, pray more often, go to Mosque more often..and then Go Jihad, either in places like Syria, or…in France, or in Israel, or in the UK.  And chop off heads, or blow things up.  Some of us are noticing that interesting correlation between increasing Islamic piety and increasing violence. –  CM

‘Her eight-year-old brother Huzeyfe is not obliged to fast until he reaches puberty, but he is trying to join his parents and older sisters.  He says his friends are very curious.  “They ask, ‘Is it easy and do you get very hungry?” and I say, ‘I don’t eat much, so it’s easy for me”, he said.

‘Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar, and this year runs from June 18 until July 17.

‘Like his wife, Murat Coskun hoped breaking bread with other community members might help foster tolerance and appreciation of cultural diversity.

Yeah, lulling those circumambient infidels to sleep, or even suckering some of them into becoming Muslims, so that the Ummah can keep on expanding and advancing unhindered.  But when Islam dominates and Muslims rule there will be no tolerance – as Asia Bibi and countless others have experienced – and no cultural diversity (the Jews of Iraq and Syria are long gone and the indigenous Christians are also being killed or force-converted or driven out of the country).  – CM

“I think that whilst it’s not an obligation for people to know about it, it would not take anything away from them, from knowing about Ramadan”, he said.

What will you do,mate, if they do some homework on their own and find out it’s also called “the Month of Jihad”? – CM

“It would just add to their depth and I think it would help them better understand people that they bump into at work, or maybe their neighbours or their friends.”

Friends”. Suuure.  Then explain to me Quran 48.29, Mr Coskun. And 60.1, and 9.29 and 9.5. How do you, Mr Coskun, understand those? – CM

“We like to learn about Christmas and how our human brethren live and what they believe in.”

My BS detector just went right off the chart. Because I know what orthodox Muslims think about the Christian doctrine that Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God (which is what Christmas is all about). They view it as “shirk”, assigning partners to god, and they view it with absolute disgust and contempt; ‘shirk’, so they are taught in orthodox Islam, is worse than murder. – CM

‘He said the family looked forward to Ramadan. “It’s like the spiritual pinnacle of our year”, said Mr Coskun. “It’s where we’re closest to God, and consequently closest to people, as well.”

‘Acting Assistant Police Commissioner Carter described it as an educational experience.

No, it was the opposite.  You just got fed a huge pile of disinformation that will make you and the cops under your authority dangerously more likely to be blindsided by those who are working steadily to Islamise our society, and to Islamise the world. – CM

“You know, I’ve learned so much, meeting this family for the first time, sitting down and sharing a meal with them”, he said.  “They’re just like any other Australian family: hard working, very committed, and family-oriented.”

Yeah, family-oriented.  But I bet you didn’t inquire what might happen if that 18 year old daughter decided she didn’t want to wear hijab. Or if she decided she wanted to convert to Christianity or Buddhism, or become an atheist. Of if she ran away with, and married – without demanding he become Muslim first –  a Christian or Buddhist or atheist Aussie guy.  – CM

 ‘The dinners are coordinated through the Queensland Intercultural Society to foster a better understanding of (translation: “to spread soothing nonsense and lies about” – CM) the Islamic faith.”

Dawa dinners.

And now, having read this content-free Aussie media fluff piece about Ramadan, let’s get a series of short, sharp reality checks about Ramadan from a front-line where the combat Jihad is slamming up hard against a resistant non-Muslim entity, namely, Israel.

Here’s one.

“Terrorist Killed in Gun Battle with IDF Soldiers.

The attack comes amid a recent upswing in terrorist attacks since the Muslim fast month of Ramadan began last Thursday…“.

Here’s another, from the astute Gil Ronen.

“Ramadan so Far – 12 Days of Terror’.

‘The advent of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan has ushered in a month of daily terror against Israeli Jews by Muslim terrorists.  Terror attacks, which unfortunately have not been rare in Israel regardless of the Muslim fast month, have become even more frequent in recent days…”.

And two blistering pieces from the equally Islamosavvy Israeli blogger, “A Soldier’s Mother”.


“Dear Palestinian (sic: Muslim – CM) Shooter (he had fired repeatedly at a Jewish ambulance driver – CM)

“Happy Ramadan.

“I can tell by the news each day that your people are having a wonderful month.

“Just days into it and already they’ve hit dozens of cars and buses, one man beaten to death, several stabbed, and repeated attacks on the light rail in Jerusalem…

“You have exploded bombs around the world that have killed a few hundred, and shot fireworks at a bunch of 18 and 19 year old unarmed kids (Jewish kids – CM) playing basketball. 

“Celebrated Jihad in France with the beheading of one man, dozens murdered in Tunisia…and here in little Israel, I have to hand it to you, you’ve tried very hard to murder and maim…”.

Click on the link, read the rest of it.  And now for her second piece, “In the Name of Allah”, that is even more scathingly accurate.

“In the Name of Allah.

“In the name of allah, the most gracious, the most merciful, Palestinians (sic: Muslims – CM) stoned a bus filled with children (that is, with Jewish children – CM) yesterday.

“In the name of allah, the most gracious, the most merciful, a Palestinian (sic: Muslim- CM) woman approached a young Israeli (Israeli Jewish– CM) woman and stabbed her in the neck.

Obeying the Quranic injunction – Surah 47.4 – to “strike at their necks” – CM

‘Full disclosure: the young woman, aged 19, was wearing a uniform showing that she was serving her nation by protecting a holy site that is often attacked by neighbouring Arabs (that is, neighbouring Arab Muslims – CM) with rocks, firebombs, etc.

“In the name of allah, the most gracious, the most merciful, four Israeli young men on their way home from a soccer game in Jerusalem were attacked (by Muslims – CM).  One is fighting for his life (and has since died – CM), three others were also injured but are expected to recover.

“In the name of allah, the most gracious, the most merciful, dozens (that is, dozens of a/ non-Muslims and b/ deemed wrong-sect or insufficiently-sharia-compliant Muslims – CM) have been murdered in Tunis and Yemen.

“In the name of allah, the most gracious, the most merciful, a man (a French Infidel – CM) was beheaded in Paris, and the murderer (a pious Muslim – CM) took a selfie with the body, to show his pride in his actions…

“In the name of allah, the most graciious, firebombs were thrown this morning at a Jewish neighbourhood in Jerusalem.

“In the name of allah, the most gracious, the most merciful, Muslims around the world are showing neither graciousness nor mercy this holy (sic – CM) month of Ramadan.

‘And what infuriates me most of all is two things. 

‘The first is that no-one is surprised.

“It’s this way every Ramadan, I am told. Every Ramadan, I tell new immigrants to Israel, who are shocked by the sudden spike in attacks, this is Ramadan...”.

Click on the link. Read the whole thing.  And share her article around; it might help to dispel the sort of soothing nonsense that was being peddled to a dangerously-naive and ill-informed police chief in Logan, Queensland, and that the ABC was then peddling further, by interviewing that eager-to-be-fooled police chief and his smiling, smiling, smiling Muslim hosts who invited him in and greasily buttered him up. – CM



One Response

  1. speaking of breaking down cultural barriers, how’s this for a battering ram?
    “Saudi Prince Alwaleed pledges $32 bn fortune to charity”
    The word “charity” should be in quotation marks. Prince Wally said that the gift “will help build bridges to foster cultural understanding, develop communities, empower women, enable youth, provide vital disaster relief and create a more tolerant and accepting world.” I’m sure this is the muslim version of cultural understanding & tolerance, that is it operates in one direction only.

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