Australia: Two More Young Muslim Men Arrested For Suspected Foreign Fighter Crimes

As reported by Jessica Kidd and staff of the ABC just today.

“Sydney Pair Arrested For Suspected Foreign Fighter Crimes

‘State and Federal counter-terrorism police have arrested a 17-year-old and a 24-year-old from Sydney (that is: they have arrested two young Muslim men, one aged 17 and one aged 24 – CM) on suspicion of breaching foreign fighter laws.

‘Police confirm they executed a number of raids this morning as part of an ongoing investigation into alleged foreign incursion offences.

‘Mehmet (nota bene: this is the Turkis variant of “Muhammad” – CM) Biber, 24, was arrested at Birrong this morning, over allegations he travelled to Syria in July 2013.

‘Biber travelled to Syria in July 2013 with an affiliate of Al-Qaeda known as Al-Nusra, said Neil Gaughan, the national manager of counter-terrorism for the Australian Federal Police.

‘He also said the teenager attempted to travel to the region to fight for ISIS in January 2015.

Al-Qaeda, Al-Nusra, ISIS… and for that matter, Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Boko Haram, Al Shabaab, MILF and Abu Sayyaf in the Philippines, assorted jihad gangs in southern Thailand, and any number of others across the world; all of these variously-named Jihad-waging organisations emerge continually and naturally out of the Ummah, or Mohammedan Mob.  Not to mention Jamaah Islamiya, Hizb-ut-Tahrir, Tablighi Jamaat, the Ikhwan or Muslim Brotherhood, and bodies such as Fethullah Gulen, and – hiding in plain sight – the state sponsors of Jihad and Dawa, to wit, the House of Saud, Islamic Iran, Islamic Pakistan, and to varying degrees all the other majority-Muslim members of the OIC.  Got Muslims? Got Jihad. – CM

“Obviously we’ve moved as quickly as we can in relation to this matter due to the risk that these people pose, but also in relation to the ideology that they possess (and what might that “ideology” be, precisely, Mr Gaughan, and would you like to try to explain how, in any real particular at all, that ideology differs from bog-standard Islam, Islam, Islam? – CM) and that will be something we will be alleging in court later today”, he said.

Since you have mentioned “the ideology that they (these latest arrestees) possess”, I suggest, dear Australian Federal Police, that if you want to understand that “ideology”, you should cease to listen to the empty nothings fed to you by greasily-smiling imams or by pretty doe-eyed hijabettes.  Instead, you need to have a nice long chat with Australian scholar Rev Dr Mark Durie, and perhaps also with the formidably-erudite Israeli, Dr Mordechai Kedar.  Ask them to explain to you the jihad doctrine of Islam and how that doctrine has affected and affects Muslim behaviour toward infidels throughout history and at the present time. – CM

“This has been a protracted investigation and a very difficult one.  Evidence collection from Syria is extremely difficult”.

“Evidence collection from Syria is extremely difficult”.  Understatement of the year.  One might add that, given the honor-shame paradigm of Islam, and the ubiquity of deceit and outright BS or what veteran journalist Martha Gellhorn, back in the day, dubbed “madhattery” amongst the Ummah, and the fact that Muslims are not supposed to “rat out” fellow Muslims to Infidels, and are not required to tell the truth to Infidels (and are, indeed, all too willing to lie to infidels in order to protect or benefit Muslims and/ or cause harm to said Infidels), for any Infidel agent or organisation to attempt to find out anything, in any situation where they must overwhelmigly rely on Muslim informants and / or on documentation produced by Muslims, is… likely to be a total waste of time. – CM

‘NSW Deputy Commissioner Catherine Burn told the media that they had also searched properties today for prohibited weapons in Sydne, at Bass Hill, Merrylands, Horningsea Park, and Miller, but did not yet know the outcomes.

One may observe that the suburbs mentioned are not those that are commonly recognised as the most heavily-Islamised in Sydney and in Australia.  The  Ummah, it seems, is colonising other localities at a rapid rate.  Question: do those ‘properties’ that were searched include any mosques, Islamic schools or Muslim ‘bookshops’? – CM

“Community safety is our priority, so even if this might have taken two or three years, to put somebody before a court, the safety of the community has been our number one priority at all times in regards to this investigation”, said Deputy Commissioner Burn.

If the safety of the Australian Infidel community really is your number one priority, Deputy-Commissioner, you should be strongly advising all our politicians that a stop must be put to all further entry, into Australia, of identifiable Muslims, and that all non-citizen Muslims should be evicted from Australia as swiftly as possibly, and that no further mosques or Islamic schools be permitted to be established and that all those already in existence be surprise-searched, and shut down if evidence of any untoward activity is detected; and that all extraordinary accommodation of Muslims as regards dress, sharia ‘finance’, and halal ‘certification’, be rescinded at once. And, to be blunt, you should be advising internment of all or most identifiable Muslims and careful revision of citizenship laws to permit stripping of citizenship from jihad-waging, jihad-inciting and sharia-pushing Muslims, followed by deportation.  Because… Got Muslims? Got Jihad.  If Muslims had never been permitted into Australia our homeland security headache – and associated rapidly-ballooning drain on men and money – would be far, far smaller. – CM

We have a juvenile who appears to be involved, and we will allege is involved potentially in wanting to engage in hostile activities (that is: he intends to wage Jihad fi sabil allah, and if he doesn’t get to do it in Syria against those deemed-heretical Shiites and Alawites and the infidel Christians and Yazidis, he might just decide to do it to any number of hapless Aussie Infidels – CM), and this is a continuing concern for us.”

Indeed it is.  He might decide to attack an Aussie synagogue, or Hindu temple or Buddhist shrine or barge into a Christian church and slit the throat of the priest, as someone of his ilk recently did in Rouen in France.  We should have let him go to Syria… and made sure he was prevented from returning, once he was gone. – CM

“This is not a law enforcement issue alone.”

Precisely.  This, my dear Deputy Commissioner, is a war.  Jihad. The ‘struggle’ all orthodox Muslims are supposed to wage, unceasingly, until all of the dar al harb – that’s us, and every other infidel state whose continued existence constitutes a standing affront to Muslim megalomania – is subdued, and over the whole wide world there is nothing but Islam, Islam, uber alles.  And you need to recognise that because of this war the Ummah colony in our midst constitutes a hostile and increasingly-aggressive Fifth Column. – CM

“We can’t do this alone.”

If you mean by that that you need the ‘help’ of the ‘Muslim community’, fuggedaboutit, because you won’t get it. Or you will get ‘help’ that mysteriously does nothing whatsoever to reduce the numbers of young and not-so-young Australia-resident Muslims Going Jihad, whether here or abroad. – CM

We are having to work with everybody so we can eliminate what we are seeing with some of our young people.”

You will get no real help from the Ummah.  The flow of aspiring Jihadis will never cease so long as there are Muslims in Australia and they feel themselves to be strong, and growing stronger, vis a vis the surrounding Infidels.  And as for “our” young people; you had rather have said, “with some Muslim young people, whether cradle Muslims or converts”.   The only thing – apart from ending Muslim immigration and strongly encouraging the departure of Muslims from our shores – that would help cut down on the numbers of Muslim young people Going Jihad, would be a massive campaign aimed at (a) getting young Muslims to publicly apostasise from Islam, and (b) unapologetically dissuading young Aussie Infidels from joining the Allah Gang or Mohammedan Mob. – CM

‘Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said the arrests showed the threat Australia was facing.

True enough. – CM

‘Addressing media in Sydeny, Mr Turnbull highlighted the need to update counter-terror legislation.

End Muslim immigration, my dear PM.  That is the single most useful thing we could do, right now.  Don’t admit even one person holding a passport from any majority-Muslim OIC-member country, unless they can be firmly identified as a member of one of the abused and persecuted indigenous infidel minorities in said countries. – CM

“We have to keep on adapting and modernising our tactics, our legislation, to deal with these evolving threats”, he said.

Or we could dust off some very old ideas, such as internment, and stripping of citizenship, and exile and outlawry; and concepts such as treason, and sedition. This is a war, Prime Minister, a war waged by a transnational Organisation – to wit, the Ummah, the Allah Gang or Mohammedan Mob – that manifests both in state entities – the Muslim states in the OIC – and in non-state entities such as Al Qaeda… or Hizb-ut-Tahrir. A war whose forward operating base is.. the local mosque.    – CM

“We msut not underestimate our enemies; they are agile, they are tech savvy, and we have to move as quickly as them”.

Denying them and their enablers any further access to our country would be a good start.  If we had never admitted Muslims into Australia, if there was not even one mosque, and no local Ummah colonies, then groups such as ISIS could issue the summons to jihad till they were blue in the face and their summons would fall upon indifferent Infidel ears. – CM

‘Mr Turnbull said the Government was reforming the control order regime, and laws relating to post-sentence detention of terrorists.

I hope that, in detention, Muslims will be prevented from having any contact at all with non-Muslim prisoners.  That would cut down on ‘prison dawa’, the recruitment – whether voluntary or involuntary – of Infidel criminals into the Allah Gang. – CM

“We have vital legislation that we need to be passed by the Parliament this year”, he said.

‘He said radicalisation would also remain a priority.

No.  Keeping Muslims out of Australia henceforward, and curbing and reversing the Islamisation of Australia, beginning by rescinding all official ‘accommodation’ of Muslim practices – notably sharia finance and the halal certification racket – and imposing and enforcing a French-style burka and niqab ban (together with a hijab ban in all state schools and public institutions) – should be a priority.  And working out how to encourage lots of Muslims to leave Australia should also be a priority.  And every mosque should be surprise-searched and every Islamic school surprise-inspected, and those found to be fomenting sedition, pushing the sharia, inciting to Jihad, and especially any found to be teaching 1/ the apostasy law and 2/ the ‘blasphemy’ law, thus threatening the lives of apostates and of Australian critics of Islam should be shut down, permanently. –  CM

“The disturbing feature that we are seeing increasingly is very young people (sic: very young Muslims, whether cradle Muslims or converts – CM) who have not been on the radar screen of any of our current terrorist agencies, state or federal, are becoming very quickly radicalised (that is: they are being encouraged to Go Jihad – CM) and either attempting or undertaking terrorist acts”, he said.

Dear Prime Minister: I understand that sometime soon, the Israeli PM, Binyamin Netanyahu, will be visiting Australia. You should ask him about the multiple ways in which the Muslim ‘community’ in his own country and immediate neighbourhood actively weaponises even its youngest members, both girls and boys.  He could sit you down at MEMRI and show you some highly-instructive videos of how it is done.  You can be quite, quite sure, PM, that similar processes are at work here, behind closed doors.  All it takes is the home and the mosque and the Muslim media.– CM

“This is a key priority of the Government, we are keenly focused on it”.

So long as there is an Ummah colony in Australia there will be Muslims in Australia Going Jihad. – CM


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