Bassam Tawil: The Obama Administration Will Not Come To Israel’s Defense, No Matter Who Is Prime Minister

Some Israelis seem to think that a more pliant Israeli prime minister, soft-spoken and eager to please and appease, will find more friends in Washington, and that, in turn, will lead to a more favorable policy toward Israel. But how? Would an Israel led by Herzog and Livni, alternating roles, cause the Americans to be tough, tougher, toughest on Iran? Would they be more understanding of the security needs, not to mention the legal claim to the unallocated parts of the Mandate, of Israel when it comes to discussions over the control of what some call “the West Bank” and others, more accurately,describe as parts of “Judea and Samaria”?

This is discussed by Bassam Tawil at The Gatestone Institute, here.


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