Brexit: Birth of a Nation

by G. Murphy Donovan (August 2016)

“What men value in this world are not rights but privileges.” – H.L. Mencken

Churchill was correct. Democracy is a flawed vessel, especially when the vote doesn’t go your way.

Incumbents and the establishment don’t care much for independent voters, citizens who can’t be manipulated or controlled. When the electorate shows some pluck, the whining begins. The complaint today is “too much democracy.”  more>>>


2 Responses

  1. Did you mean "ward heeler"?  I think the term derives from someone who traveled the section of the city on foot, seeking to salve hurts in little ways to preserve the power of the political machine.

  2. I was thinking of the fixing, not getting out the vote. In either case, methinks you are correct. Thanks. 

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