Christopher Dickey and “Anti-Muslim Hysteria”

by Hugh Fitzgerald (April 2016)

After the latest attacks in Brussels, Christopher Dickey, a senior American journalist based in Paris, was alarmed. What alarmed him was not the homicidal hatred of Muslim terrorists or the Islamic State’s demonstrated ability to wreak havoc in yet another European capital. No, he was worried that “rampant Islamophobia” would only increase because of this attack, and “make it more and more difficult for Muslims and Arabs to integrate into European society. The level of suspicion is very high, and that translates into xenophobic politics. The kind of thing we see with Geert Wilders in the Netherlands, or Marine Le Pen in France, or the really, really fascist Nazi parties in… Greece. So I think all of that translates into a situation of more and more of a cultural divide. Harder and harder to integrate people. And then that, of course, will be used for more recruiting by the jihadists.”  more>>>


One Response

  1. An interesting article that raises some pertinent questions. The same nauseating media narrative kicks in every time a new massacre takes place. A failure to ask obvious of questions about moral responsibility shows skant regard for the many victims. Dickey appeared to be laying the same right-wing terrorist jabber on the Boston Marathon bombings, when such an indiscriminate type of attack was not a particularly recognisable MO of such groups, other than perhaps the 1996 Atlanta bombing of course.

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