Defendant who shot Croydon police sergeant has, as I feared, *extreme Islamist* views

From The Times 

The suspect, who remains in hospital in a critical condition, was previously referred to the Channel programme, which deals with the most serious Prevent cases, The Times has learnt. He is a British citizen of Sri Lankan origin who is autistic.

The man, who had expressed extreme right-wing and Islamist views, has not been named. Sources emphasised it was not deemed necessary for MI5 or counterterrorism police to investigate him. The shooting, at 2.15am, remains a murder inquiry and extremism is not thought to be a factor at this stage.

and according to The Telegraph 

The suspect, who according to sources is a British citizen of mixed race with a family background in Sri Lanka, had been picked up in Croydon city centre during a routine police stop and search 40 minutes before the alleged murder of Sgt Ratana. The young man had been acting suspiciously in the early hours of yesterday morning when he was arrested at 1.40am by a team of five officers. Little is known about the alleged killer but sources have told The Telegraph he had been signed up to a Home Office deradicalisation programme to “provide support to individuals who are at risk of being drawn into terrorism”.

It is understood the man had been downloading from the internet both far-Right and Islamic State propaganda. The suspect had autism and has been described as confused, the situation “complicated”.

He was investigated briefly but authorities dismissed him as a concern. Intelligence services have no record of the man on their extensive list of 40,000 terror suspects and have ruled out terrorism as a possible motive for yesterday’s shooting.

I wonder what the ‘right-wing’ aspect of his views extreme views are. I suspect he has less than liberal opinions on the role and status of women and acceptance of homosexuality. 

The gunman, who had been arrested for possession of ammunition and illegal drugs, was being searched and had his hands cuffed behind his back. Somehow he got to the gun which was either down his trousers on in his underwear. He started firing the gun at the officers from between his legs and hit Sergeant Matiu Ratana (a New Zealander) in the chest, killing him. He then shot himself in the neck and is critically ill in hospital. It may suit the authorities to downplay the Islamic/terrorism aspect of this murder, but it no longer fools anybody


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