GEERT WILDERS: I am Coming to London to Protest for Tommy Robinson

Geert Wilders writes in Breitbart

The media gag order has been lifted, but the incarceration of Tommy Robinson remains a stain on the reputation of the United Kingdom. We will not rest until Robinson is free!

Nine years ago, I had the “privilege” of being banned from entering the United Kingdom. Though the leader of a major democratically elected political party in the Netherlands, I am also an outspoken critic of Islam.

That is why I am on the death list of several Islamic organizations and have been forced to live under 24/7 police protection for almost fourteen years. And that is also the real reason why the then British government deemed me a danger to public security. The elites all over Western Europe fear the wrath of Islam.

75 years ago, people all over Europe clandestinely listened to the BBC to hear the voice of Winston Churchill. His voice was the voice of liberty, the voice of courageous resistance against Nazi totalitarianism. Churchill, by the way, had no illusions about Islam, either. He said there exists “no stronger retrograde force in the world” than Islam and called Hitler’s vile anti-Semitic book Mein Kampf a “new Koran of faith and war”.

I know a British citizen, today, who is as staunch a freedom fighter as Winston Churchill was, who holds the same opinion on Islam and is not afraid to say so. His name is Tommy Robinson.

Tommy Robinson was arrested on 25 May outside Leeds Crown Court after using social media to broadcast details of an ongoing trial which was subject to reporting restrictions. He was arrested, brought before a judge, and sentenced within five hours. The judge ordered a media ban on his arrest and imprisonment, even forcing British publications to delete their articles about the case.

Such measures are common practice in North Korea and Saudi Arabia. It is sad to see how Britain, the cradle of Western democracy and the rule of law, is fast descending into tyranny.

Following massive protests on social media, demonstrations in Whitehall, a legal challenge by two publishers, and huge international attention for the case, the British authorities lifted the media ban. But Tommy Robinson has remained imprisoned, despite over half a million people signing a petition for his release.

Tommy Robinson is a working-class man, who can no longer stand how the original population of England is oppressed by Islam. The latter enjoys the protection from the multiculturalist politically-correct Islamophile ruling class. Tommy Robinson wants to break the taboos this class imposes on society, and he was punished for it.

But Tommy embodies the hope of many, whose voices are not heard. That is why I stand with him. Tommy is a hero. It is a disgrace that he is still in jail. I have been invited to a major protest demonstration in London next week, and I will be coming. Free Tommy now!

Read it all here.


3 Responses

  1. Time to choose. For freedom take your noble stance or for shame kneel in obeisance.
    The ghosts of your ancestors await your response.

  2. It should never be allowed by backwards people to be considered “illegal” to accuse these criminals (muslims) of their crimes, allegedly because the painful truth might offend them or hurt their feelings, and so “make” them commit even more crimes!

    No problem was ever solved by ignoring it, and we aren’t doing even any of these muslims (whose own ancestors were among Muhammad’s first victims) any favours by going along with any of their historic lies and alibi excuses for their crimes.

    Pretending islam is just another religion like all the others, hijacked by some con-men, is wrong.

    That’s only a parochial, Western-based and ethnocentrist approach to islam.

    Islam is NOT only not a real religion which could be and is sometimes only occasionally misunderstood and/or taken advantage of by a few evil persons.

    It’s not also – as are all the other, “real” religions – only an opinion presented as a fact (i.e: only a simple case of delusive criminal fraud)!

    Islam is really an actual threat to everyone because IT says it is, not because we misinterpreted it.

    The Qur’an is more than just another flawed book of confusing, contradictory superstitious nonsense, it’s evil.

    The Qur’an is a clearly-written, us-versus-them hate-crime book, endorsing a permanent might-makes-right death-threat. In fact, it’s quite accurate to note that the Qur’an is what you’d get if Hitler had written the Bible.

    The Qur’an tells it’s muslim mind-slaves that they are in fact SO “superior” to all the non-members of their war and plunder cult, that it’s not only their right, but also their holy duty to their god, to extort, enslave, and murder all the non-muslims in the world, simply for the “crime” of not being muslims!

    SO -and according to only their own Eastern histories – islam has an official 1,400 year history of “holy” lies, extortions, robberies, tortures, arsons, kindappings, slaveries, rapes and 270 million murders: that’s OVER A QUARTER-BILLION INNOCENTS SACRIFICED TO ALLAH, so far!

    For a detailed breakdown of historical islamic depredations by region and era, just Google for: “Tears of Jihad.”

    Islam has a larger death-tally than that of EVERYONE ELSE, both secular and religious, COMBINED, and with an historical average of less than 1% of the global population to have committed it with, too!

    Do the math: 270 million divided by 1,400 is almost 200,000 per year, or over 500 per day, or over 20 per hour or about one person every three minutes being murdered by Muslims ever since Islam was founded.

    So, simply and precisely because of their “THOU SHALT KILL!” (Qur’an 2:191, 4:89, 9:5) cultural indoctrination, MUSLIMS ARE STILL FROM BETWEEN FOUR AND SEVERAL HUNDRED TIMES MORE LIKELY TO ENGAGE IN MURDER (and all other crimes,) THAN EVERYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD!

    Islam is the greatest ongoing threat to humanity the world has ever yet known. But, to leftopaths, when islamic terrorists attack Infidels and then the infidel says please stop, that is the cause of the attack.

    The Qur’an and islam itself should be banned, and all muslims resisted and exiled, because everything muslims pretend to believe is “holy” is already a crime!

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