How Much Are Muslims Costing Non-Muslims All Over The Western World?

“In 2012 Omar was convicted of handling stolen bicycles at Isleworth crown court and ordered to do 100 hours’ community service and pay £800 prosecution costs. Mohammed Emwazi was twice acquitted of the same charges in two separate trials a few months previously.

Meanwhile Omar, his mother Ghaneya, 47, sisters Asra, 19, and Shayma, 23, both students, and a 12-year-old sister who is still at school are reportedly being guarded by a round-the-clock police security operation in London costing £5,000 a day after being moved to a secret location.

They fled their home two weeks ago after realising Emwazi had been identified, and moved to a property in Paddington. But they were forced to relocate again last night – believed to be to a hotel where they are living under assumed names – after Omar was spotted by a television crew.— from a news report about the Emzawi family



How much did the Tsarnaev family — the father, the mother, the two daughters, the two sons — cost the taxpayers of Massachusetts and the United States? How much in subsidies, how much in education costs, how much in free health care, how much in food stamps, how much to take care of the families of the dead and the wounded, how much to hunt down the brothers, how much in lost economic activity because of the shutdown in Boston and its suburbs, until one brother was dead and the other finall captured, how much in costs for the judge, for the jury pool of 1300, for the investigation, for the prosecution, for the public defender? How much will Dzhokar Tsarnaev’s trial, which may go on for months, cost? How much will it cost to pay for his lifetime imrpisonment? How much will his two sisters, poetty criminals and unrepentant Muslims, and his sister-in-law, that zombified convert, also still a devout Muslim, alll of them apparently not too poor to have children, how much will they cost the state and federal governments? And what do all the Muslims in the West, so unable, and unwilling, to accept the laws and customs of a non-Muslim society, so rooted in the hostility toward non-Muslims that Qur’an and Hadith and Sira inculcate, so willing to smile when there is murder in their hearts, so willing to practice taqiyya and kitman, so willing to turn every occasion into one of false victimisation, so eager to spread nonsense and lies about Islam, and to spread hatred for Israel and for Jews, so willing — when allowed — to take full advantage of Infidel girls, as at Rotherham and dozens of other places, so intent on pocketing whatever the gnerous welfare states of the West have on offer, and in swelling their ranks by helping other Muslims to be smuggled in, or to bring in brides or husbands from back home, so ready to demand changes in schools and prisons and in the workings of the health system?

How much is it costing to post guards at every synagogue and Jewish school, and at many Christian ones too, at kosher markets, and at church Christmas fairs, at bus stations and airports, at train stations and all throiughout the metropolitan subway systems, at monuments of symbolic significance, at government bjildings, at sports stadiums, or to guard those apostates who dare to speak publicly? How much for the Muslims who, all over Western Europe, are imprisoned for cimes at five or even ten times their percentage of the general populatioon? How much does their presence disrupt or inhibit the teaching of the truth, in history class after history class, so Westen students never can hear, as they might once have done, something other than bromides and a sanitized view of Islamic doctrine, Islamic conquest, Islamic attitudes? 



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