Introducing Tim Wilcox Of The BBC


And on this double-bill, without further ado,  the second feature from the BBC, with Tim Wilcox again, who is very interested in anything having to do with Jews, and who sweetly leads on others to discuss the “Jewish lobby” and its abandonment of Ed Miliband for his “principled” stand in making the sacred Cause of Palestine (the word means the “not-Israel” state, the state that exists to replace, sooner or later, Israel), and “the Palestinian people” –that is the Jihad against Israel, and those local Arabs, re-named, who are its shock troops — the obsessive centerpiece of his foreign policy.



2 Responses

  1. To be fair, and I’ve always found Tim Wilcox irritating, he did say, ‘You do understand that some people say that the Palestinians suffer hugely at Jewish hands…’. I’m not sure that this isn’t just interviewing technique.

  2. No, it was a vicious implied tu-quoque distraction, to a woman in great and justified distress. It was intolerable. It was unacceptable.

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