Islam can be a violent faith, says Queen’s chaplain: Canon expresses concerns about 100 passages in the Koran that ‘invite people to violence’

This has brightened my morning. From the Daily Mail

There are passages in the Koran which ‘invite people to violence’, one of the Queen’s chaplains said last night. Reverend Canon Gavin Ashenden, the former chaplain of Sussex University and one of 35 who serve Her Majesty, expressed concern about more than 100 passages in the Muslim holy book.

Rev Ashenden told LBC radio he was ‘attracted to Christianity because it invites people to the extremity of forgiveness and love’.

‘Islam has, I think, over 100 verses inviting people to violence in the Koran which Christianity doesn’t have. If you’re going to invite people to be dedicated … followers of their scriptures, Christians will go around forgiving people and Islamists will do something else.’

Presenter Iain Dale said Muslims would say Islam was ‘entirely peaceful’, but Rev Ashenden said parts of the Koran ‘tell you to kill your enemies’. 

He then quoted verses which he said urged Muslims to ‘strike off the heads’ of ‘those who disbelieve’.

When warned his comments could offend Muslims, he said: ‘If they are offended by my quoting the Koran they are not offended by me, they are offended by the Koran.’

He added: ‘If you’re going to talk about excitement in Christianity it’s about delivering people from evil and transforming people’s lives.’ 

Asked whether he would describe certain parts of the Koran as evil, he said: ‘I notice that they invite people to violence. I’ll let other people decide whether that’s good or evil.’

The Church of England did not respond when contacted last night. Buckingham Palace declined to comment. 


4 Responses

  1. I can think of no other reason for his extra-ordinary behaviour than his faculties are intact and he describes reality as clearly as he sees it. I believe this is now known as hate speech.

  2. I hope the Queen listens to him! (And that he has a chance to tell Prince Charles – and William and Catherine – a thing or two.) Here’s hoping – and praying, most fervently – that the *other* “Queen’s Chaplains” are similarly sensible people.

  3. “If they are offended by my quoting the Koran they are not offended by me, they are offended by the Koran.” That’s a great retort.

    Funny how Muslims revere the Koran and then go mental when they hear someone quoting it.

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