Mohammed’s Koran by Peter McLoughlin and Tommy Robinson

Regular readers will be aware of Peter McLoughlin’s previous book Easy Meat, the detailing of the many cases of rape, prostitution and abuse of English (and Sikh) girls by organised gangs of Muslim (mainly Pakistani or Bangladeshi) men, the years of cover up and the eventual prosecutions.  It is published by New English Review Press.

Mr  McLoughlin’s second book is published elsewhere  in conjunction with Tommy Robinson. Regular readers don’t need me to explain who he is.

Even before the release date the book was receiving reviews on Amazon, one star reviews from men and women who couldn’t possibly have read it, but who knew that it was

 “Load of bollocks from a 9-5 leasant”

That was the first review on 23rd July and the first replies to it said

Just like a good little Muslim you’re spouting taqiyya, you have reviewed this book before it had even been released on 28/07/17! I hasten to add your review is also a load of rubbish and bollocks (words you use in your review) – what is ‘leasant’ ?
Why not read the book first and then leave a review? I would imagine your intent is to damage sales of this book rather than to offer an impartial opinion…… I wonder why!? Is this a prime example of how Muslims execute their religion of peace?


Not an argument. Try getting one first.

Then a website called Muslim Vibe got in on the act.

We demand that Amazon stop selling Tommy Robinson’s new book

The article by one Mariam Hakim calling for a boycott of Amazon if they continued to sell this book received some very informed comments from people showing her that they well understand the nature of Islam and that so far as the concept of taqiya is concerned, flee; the game is up!

I don’t know if this is the same Mariam Hakim who wrote in the Independent last year on the subject of the Koran and how it justifies sex slavery and concubinage. Apparently having sex with a slave is only acceptable if she consents. Yes, I’m sure that is a great comfort to the brutalised Yazidi girls who were tortured by ISIS and the brutalised little girl in Oxford who was branded with her master’s initial – M for Mohammed. Hearteningly the comments to that article show that her argument has not convinced her readers.

A few days later the Muslim Vibe also called for the book No Go Zones by Breitbart editor Raheem Kassam to be banned by Amazon. That prompted Breitbart to investigate who is behind the site.

The board “acts as a guiding body to make sure The Muslim Vibe stays in line with Islamic values and principles … and is made up of highly respected and learned individuals – who help us make certain editorial decisions”, according to its website.

Dawud Walid, Syed Abbas Ayleya, Zafar Bangash, and Sayed Asad Jafri are all hard-line figures, with links and sympathies to the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Nation of Islam, and — perhaps most dangerously — the Islamic revolutionary theocracy which governs Iran.

Two formal demands to ban the book were also made to Amazon via the ‘proper channels’; they considered both and decided in favour of continuing to stock Mohammed’s Koran. 

A fake version of the book with a near identical cover purporting to be by  ‘Tomy’ Robinson is also for sale on Amazon which seems to be an attempt to sabotage sales by misleading readers into wasting money on the wrong book. I am told that certain problems in the administration/print/transport/distribution chain of the true book may not have a genuine accidental cause. 

I’ll be honest now. As the New English Review publishes Easy Meat I have had occasion to meet Peter McLoughlin so I’m not an unbiased impartial reviewer. This is a very partisan personal recommendation here. Both his books, with and without Tommy Robinson are very good, very interesting, and of vital importance to anybody interested and concerned about the malign influence of Islam and its fellow-travellers. Buy them and read them. Give copies for Christmas and birthdays. Spread the word.

Mohammed’s Koran, sub headed Why Muslims Kill for Islam is important for this reason.

It explains the ordering of the Koran and how the ordering affects the Doctrine of Abrogation. In Islam, where one passage of the Koran contradicts another, the Doctrine of Abrogation decrees that the later verse is the one to be followed; the earlier one is cancelled out by those revelations that came later.  

So it is vital to know the chronological order in which the verses were revealed to Mohammed over the eleven year period that Muslims believe he received them.

We don’t have the Doctrine of Abrogation in Christianity or Judaism. In the Bible if, for example, someone read the 10 Commandments, and looked at No. 6 “Thou Shalt not Kill” which is in Exodus, the second book of the Bible. And then read the later books of Samuel and Kings where various wars are fought, and battles described and wonder why the Israelites were allowed to break this commandment.  The advice might be to first look at the passage in Ecclesiastes, Chap 3, which says

 For everything it’s season, and every activity under heaven its time
a time to be born and a time to die
a time to plant and a time to uproot
a time to kill and a time to heal
And so on

Then to look at the advice of prophets and teachers, at the teaching of Christ Himself, to pray and seek God’s guidance, to use our God-given intelligence, but with humility and conscious of His will and to listen to our God-given conscience.

It is fairly obvious that the Bible is in chronological order.  Some of the earliest history and stories were probably an oral tradition for many years until written down. Some of the Books of History cover different events in various parts of the Middle East that occurred around the same time, as do the four Gospels telling of Christ’s life and teaching.  Acts is the book of what happened next and finally letters and meditations on Christ’s teaching in the decades after His ascension.

The Koran is arranged differently. The books are arranged in order of size. Therefore it takes a scholar who knows these things, not an ordinary reader, to know that the earliest revelation is Sura (Chapter) 96, The Clot, in which Allah created man from a clot of blood.

The earliest revelations came when Mohammed didn’t have many followers and was living in pagan, multi-faith Mecca. He wanted to attract more followers; those he had were few in number and needed to be on good terms with the other inhabitants of Mecca. The revelations at that period were peaceful and conciliatory.  In 622AD Mohammed and his followers migrated to Medina and once there he discovered that the use of force gained him more followers. From a position of strength new warlike revelations cancelled out, or abrogated, the peaceful and conciliatory ones of the Meccan period. They culminated with the final two major suras, Sura 5 and Sura 9.

 Sura 9 contains the ‘verse of the sword’

“Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful”

The Cambridge Companion to the Koran says that one verse alone abrogates 124 earlier verses of peace and goodwill.

What McLoughlin explores is not why Muslims study the Koran in the tradition they do, but why Western tradition and knowledge was quietly changed in the years after 1945 to the same encrypted form. Further during the late 18th century, the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century politicians, statesmen, clergymen and scholars of the English-speaking world (and in France and Germany) knew the warlike conquering nature of Islam.  Men like Sir Winston Churchill and US President Thomas Jefferson were well aware of the flaws of Islam; in recent years men and women like George W Bush and every British Prime Minister since Tony Blair insist that Islam is a Religion Of Peace and they quote snippets constantly from the early Meccan verses to prove it.

He calls this The Grand Lie, and its proponents Quislings, which is apt for a lie that didn’t gain traction until the years immediately after WWII.

What particularly interested me was his chapter about the excellent 19th century translation (1876) by an English Anglican clergyman the Revd John Medows Rodwell, vicar of two City of London churches and friend of Charles Darwin. His translation, in chronological order, with clear and informative notes, and an introduction by the Revd G Margoliouth (a scholar from a family of converts from Judaism to the Church of England) was published as part of the mass-market Everyman series and reprinted almost annually from 1900 to 1937. Then sometime in the 1950s the publishers changed their favoured translation to that of the convert to Islam, Muhammed Pickthall (1930), and his order is that of the encrypted version used in the Arabic editions.

Pre-war second hand copies of the Everyman editions are scarce. However the text remains available on line. At the Gutenberg Project here, the Sacred text website here and as a print or kindle download of the Gutenberg website here. That has received criticism for being a translation at all, being the work of Anglicans, and the chronological order.

The final two thirds of Mohammed’s Koran is, as the name suggests the Koran in the chronological order that Mohamed conveyed it to his followers. To be accurate it is in reverse chronological order to bring home to the reader the violence of those last Suras, Sura 5 and Sura 9.

Amazon continues to sell it and sales are steadily despite the clamour from The Muslim Vibe and others. At time of writing the positive comments outnumber the negative. Let us hope this continues and scales fall from more eyes.


6 Responses

  1. I enjoyed this read quite a bit. Having aquired a copy of a 1880 Koran that was used as one of many school book in a one room school house in Westmoreland County,Pennsylvania.
    The statement to kill, or hide amongst for generations and size and kill when they least expect…. Not peace…. Not integration..

    Unfortunately moderate and liberal followers/regions ..have been overrun by money, corrupt influences, and thus extremist interprtations.
    Many peaceful areas turned to hotbeds, killing thier own for modernized ideas in the 60’s- 70’s.
    Sadly many good people have been killed.

    Isolated sub-caste beds of people’s have more than fear of being ostrisized by the community. It is their only means of support sadly.

    I am interested in researching more.

  2. Okay, with the yuge global jungle site – owned and operated by Dr. Evil Jeff Bozo himself – not even listing the book, and the UK site that does saying “non-UK customers go to the jungle site”, how can I get a copy of this book?

  3. As of March 6th, 2019 Amazon no longer makes this work available. Another book burned by the Nazis.

  4. I tried purchasing the book on Amazon, Kindle, Bookbub, Barnes & Noble with no luck. Can anyone direct me to a place to purchase this book? I feel like I’m living Fahrenheit 451.

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