Officials say knife attacker killed mother and sister and injured another before being shot dead by police in Paris

He shouted Allah Akbar. He was known for terror related alerts. ISIS praise him as one of their soldiers. But because two of the women attacked (the ones now dead) were family members the police are claiming ‘domestic violence with mental health problems’ From ITV News France 24 and The Telegraph

French officials say the two people killed in a knife attack on Thursday in Paris were the mother and sister of the attacker, who was subsequently shot by police.

The third victim, a passerby who was gravely injured in the attack, was also a woman, the official said. The attacker, 36, reportedly shouted “Allahu Akbar” during the rampage, and was shot dead by police after the assault in a residential street. Local media, citing police sources, said he was discovered to have been carrying several knives and a long-time friend of the attacker named him as Kamel Salhi, which was confirmed by a government official. 

The attacker entered a house and shouted at police outside: “Allahu Akbar, if you come in I’ll blow you away”,

Jean-Jacques Brot, the top government administrator in the Yvelines region, tweeted that the attacker Thursday in the town of Trappes was “neutralized” and had died.

The attack took place in a suburb west of Paris, Trappes on Thursday morning.

Police officials said the man was flagged in a government database of suspected religious and political extremists.

“It appears the criminal had serious psychiatric problems,” the French interior minister Gerard Collomb told reporters in Trappes. “He was known (to the police) for advocating terrorism but it seems he was a disturbed person rather than someone who could respond to calls for action from terrorist organisations like Daesh,”

Gerard Collomb said the attack in the town of Trappes on Thursday is not being treated as a terrorist case for the moment, despite a claim of responsibility by the Islamic State group.


One Response

  1. Are “honor murders” and “shame murders” and “blame murders” mental health problems or mental disease or anger/hate expressions? // When we run out of euphemisms will we speak clearly, simply, and accurately? //

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