One Australian Infidel Woman’s Description of What She Saw At that Muslim Threat Display in Lakemba, Sydney, on 23.1.2015

She and a number of other non-Muslim Australians – the total number being about twenty, of whom eight travelled with her, and another twelve came independently of the group she was with, but with similar intent – had gone to take a look, to ‘fly the flag’ by letting the Muslims know that infidel Aussies had ‘got their number’, and to take their own photographs and record their own impressions, in order to be able to compare what they themselves saw, heard, and recorded, with whatever the official news outlets chose to tell us.

Her account, calm and measured, and with some very telling pictures, can be read in its entirety at this link, at an Islamoaware Australian site called Islam4Infidels.

A few comments.

Something she notices immediately is that the Muslim rally was focused around the Lakemba war memorial. These sorts of local war memorials, all over the country, are basically Aussie sacred sites.  The Muslims, I am sure, did not choose this location to do their ‘grandstanding’ by accident.  

She confirms the publicly reported numbers: she thinks that that at least was accurately reported, 800 looked about right.

She also explains that she and the other 20 Australian infidels who were quietly observing and recording proceedings were, at a certain point, removed by the police; when this happened they (our intrepid Aussie observers, or reconnaissance team) were told that it was for their own safety, that the police believed they were going to be attacked.

And this was what shocked her more than anything else.  I quote: “…that we were asked to remove ourselves from a public rally. A rally that was held on Australian soil, in an Australian city, my city. Not only that, we were advised not to return to that area (Lakemba – CM) once we had left.

“I hold the police in the highest regard…but found it incomprehensible that the very police that should be protecting my right to voice my opinions, participate in my freedom of speech, and alone stand in a public street, were the very people removing me…

By removing us from a suburb and public street that should belong to ALL of us, I was witness to the “Islam will rule your streets” gaining a foothold. And I was disgusted.

More, “I observed my right to remain on a public street being refused.  I was witness to Islamic men giving me death stares and making it well known that they were angry that we were there“.

And she says something else that should resonate particularly with the French, and with the Germans of PEGIDA, and with intelligent non-Muslims in every country where non-Muslims still command a sufficient majority.

“I am able to contradict the media’s portrayal of what occurred because I was there.

I personally think more could have been achieved with more people standing by my side, especially if we stood there in silence but there was more of us. (By this she means: the silent, watchful non-Muslims should have numbered at least 1000.  I agree. – CM)


“Because our mere presence on what they deem as “their soil” makes them uncomfortable.  You can almost physically see them squirm.’

And I like that.  Silence, but greater numbers, is far superior. It gives us the upper hand in showing them by the numbers that we aren’t accepting of their views, of their Islam.

“By being silent, again provides us with the upper hand, in that the media can’t accuse [us] of inciting violence by being antagonistic.  It makes it harder for the media to provide footage of us being aggressive.

“But most importantly,it makes it impossible for the Islamists (sic: the Muslim Mob – CM) to play the victim card.”

Thank you, my fellow Aussie.

Thank you, you and the other twenty people who were with you.  Thank you for being there, to fly the flag, and for your insights.

Next time – and there’s sure to be a next time – there had better be more of us. A lot more. – CM



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