Parramatta, Sydney: Muslim Man Who Stabbed Wife to Death Is Denied Bail

As reported by Sarah Hawke for the ABC.

‘Man Denied Bail Over Alleged Stabbing Murder of Wife in Parramatta.’

‘A man (that is, a Muslim man – CM) charged with the stabbing murder of his wife gave a “chilling” account of events to police, a Sydney magistrate has said, while denying him bail.

‘Shahab Ahmed, 33, allegedly stabbed his 29 year old wife to death at their Parramatta home on Saturday night, in what police alleged was a case of domestic violence.

Domestic violence occurs in all human societies.  But among Muslims it is encouraged and facilitated by the misogyny hardwired into Islam, a misogyny notably visible in the Quranic verse that tells a man he is to “beat” his wife (or wives) if he merely “fears” rebellion, and in an authoritative Hadith in which Mohammed declares that a man shall not be asked why he beat his wife.  Australian journalist Geraldine Brooks, in her book about women in Islam, “Nine Parts of Desire”, in the final chapter mentions the early 1990s trial of a Sudanese Muslim man, resident in the UK, who had murdered his wife; Brooks argues cogently that that murder was not the same sort of thing as a murder committed by a non-Muslim westerner; that it was, rather, what we would now call an ‘honor’ murder, a deliberate execution.  And in the same chapter Brooks says that, around that time (early 1990s) the British police had commissioned a study of family violence which discovered that, in Britain, women married to Muslim men were eight times more likely to be murdered by their husbands, than women married to men of any other cultural background.  Think about that for a moment: eight times more likely.  – CM

‘His lawyer today argued for Ahmed to be allowed to be placed under house arrest, with exceptions that would allow him to go to work.

‘A $10,000 surety was also offered.

Who comes up with that kind of money, at short notice? – CM

“He has no matter of violence on his record”, Ahmed’s lawyer Zemarai Khatiz told the Parramatta local court.

Note the lawyer’s name.  “Zemarai Khatiz”.  50 cents says he’s a Muslim. More and more, these days, in this and other sorts of cases involving Muslim defendants, one sees that the defence lawyer is a Muslim.  What is going to happen, in cases when a Muslim man is arrested for murder, or fraud, or rape, or armed robbery – especially if and when the victim is an Infidel – when not just the defending lawyer, but the presiding magistrate, or the Judge assigned to the case when it comes to trial, is a Muslim? And, too, what will happen if, more and more, Muslims infiltrate the police force?  Will they even bother to arrest a fellow Muslim for raping kuffar Aussie ‘uncovered meat’, or for robbing or beating up an Infidel, or for cleansing his personal or family “honour” by annihilating a deemed-insubordinate wife, sister, daughter, niece, cousin?  These possibilities have to be considered; they are real, and bode ill for our future wellbeing as a majority-Infidel society. – CM

“The applicant did not abscond from the scene… he remained there, he called triple-zero.”

This is behaviour not unfamiliar from other accounts of ‘honour’ murders performed within the West.  A Muslim man who beheaded his own wife, in the USA, some years ago, did not make any attempt to conceal what he had done. – CM

‘In formally denying bail, Magistrate Gary Still said the crown’s case was “very strong”, adding that there was nothing to persuade him that Ahmed’s detention was not justified, given the allegations.

“He made multiple threats to her, in the unit”, Mr Still said. “He stabbed her repeatedly, including in the back.  He threatened her prior to this”.

‘The Crown was not required to respond.

‘Outside the court, Mr Khatiz said it was “unfortunate” bail had been denied.

“It’s unfortunate that he was refused bail, he will need to remain behind bars for a significant period of time”, he said.

Oh, cry me a river, mohammedan.  He committed murder – a brutal stabbing murder – and is being locked up so that he cannot endanger the general public; and also, possibly, because the Magistrate fears he might shoot through, before the trial.  – CM

“The full story will eventually come out, and we will just have to wait until the brief of evidence is served.”

‘Ahmed is due back in court on April 12.”

And until then, he will be cooling his heels in jug.  Annihilating a recalcitrant female might earn him kudos within the Ummah, but it’s cutting no ice with the infidel police and magistrate.

Thought for the day: given that we already have sufficient domestic violence – though neither legally nor religiously commanded nor condoned – on the part of assorted infidels in Australia, why did anyone think it was a good idea to import men like Shahab Ahmed (or his parents), who come from a culture where male violence against women – up to and including beating, rape and murder, forced ‘marriage’ and child ‘marriage’ – is commanded, permitted, codified and sacralised?

This murder in Parramatta will no doubt be viewed, by most casual and uninformed Aussie observers, as just one more case of domestic violence, in general.  But it is not.  As I said before, there was that study alluded to by Geraldine Brooks, which found that Muslim men in the UK were eight times more likely to murder their wives, than were men of any other cultural background.  

And there is a classic little article by “Spengler”, in Asia Times, that carefully explains why domestic violence, in Islam, is not quite the same sort of thing as what one might see in western societies; because it is embedded in, and expresses, a completely different cultural paradigm.

“Wife-Beating, Sharia, and Western Law”.

“More than the Koran’s sanction of wife-beating, the legal grounds on which the Koran sanctions it reveals an impassable gulf between Islamic and Western law.

“The sovereign grants inalienable rights to every individual in Western society, of which, protection from violence is foremost.  Every individual stands in direct relation to the state, which wields a monopoly of violence.

‘Islam’s legal system is radically different: the father is a “governor” or “administrator” of the family, that is, a little sovereign within his domestic realm, with the right to employ violence to control his wife and children…

“The practice of wife-beating, which is found in Muslim communities in Western countries, is embedded too profoundly in sharai law to be extracted.

“Nowhere, to my knowledge, has a Muslim religious authority of standing repudiated wife-beating, as specified in Surah 4: 32 (sic: 4: 34) of the Koran, for to do so would undermine the foundations of Muslim society.

“By extension, the power of the little sovereign of the family can include the killing of wayward wives and female relations…”.

And that is most likely why Mr Shahab Ahmed, after having stabbed his wife over and over, as she lay dying, calmly called 000 (for the police and ambulance) and stayed put.  Because he didn’t think he had done anything wrong. – CM


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