Shock Poll: Most U.S. Voters Want Immigrants Screened, Barred for Supporting Sharia Law

Paul Sperry writes in his Counter-Jihad blog.

More than 7 in 10 registered American voters think Muslim immigrants should be screened for belief in Sharia law, a totalitarian system that calls for executing gays, adulterers and apostates, among other human-rights abuses, a new national poll finds.

And of those respondents, more than 80% say all immigrants ID’d as Sharia adherents should be barred from entering the U.S.

The findings, part of a nationwide survey of voters conducted after the June 12 Islamic terrorist attack on a gay nightclub in Orlando, indicate widespread support for presumptive GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump’s proposal to screen and restrict admission of foreign nationals from hostile Muslim countries based on “radical beliefs.”

“We have to screen applicants to know whether they are affiliated with or (are) supporting radical groups and beliefs,” Trump said after the Orlando massacre, adding that suspending immigration for those who “support oppressive Sharia law” may be necessary.

The survey, conducted June 19-20 by Opinion Savvy, an Atlanta-based polling firm, defined Sharia as “laws based on Islamic texts and judicial decisions (and) enforced by governments through the use of courts, law enforcement and citizen involvement.” It cited Saudi Arabia and Iran as governments prescribing Sharia “penalties including death for activities such as adultery or any act of homosexuality.”

As a result, 71% of respondents say they support ID’ing foreign supporters of Sharia law prior to their admission to the U.S. Of those who support identification, 80% think that those ID’d should not be admitted into the U.S.

In other words, when voters understand what shariah is, the vast majority want to know if foreigners are Sharia-adherent, and then 80% of those people want a method for keeping them out of the U.S.

Additionally, American voters demanded that all immigrants accept the U.S. Constitution as the law of the land. Seventy-eight percent believe “the United States government should require all foreign individuals entering the United States to affirm that they will uphold the principles of the Constitution, such as freedom of religion and speech, above all personal ideologies for the duration of their stay in the country.”

The scientific poll of 803 registered voters, which has a +/-3.5% margin of error, was weighted toward females and Democrats.

Security experts say the results are a devastating indictment of the Washington establishment’s national security and immigration policies.

Both President Obama and Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton want to boost immigration from Muslim nations, including Syria and other ISIS hotspots; while the GOP leadership in Congress opposes Trump’s moratorium on Muslim immigrants.

“This poll illustrates the native common sense of the American people. By substantial majorities, they see through official efforts to mislead them about the roots of the danger we increasingly face here at home, as well as overseas — namely, Sharia-supremacism and the jihad it requires Muslims adherents to perform against the rest of us,” said Frank Gaffney, president of the Washington-based Center for Security Policy and a former senior Reagan defense official.

“And they expect the government, instead, to protect them against this real, obvious and present danger,” he added.

In a separate 2013 poll, Pew Research Center found that vast majorities of Muslims living abroad “clearly support” brutal forms of punishment under Sharia law, including: stoning women accused of adultery, amputating the hands of thieves, publicly flogging people who “insult” Islam, and decapitating those who leave the Islamic faith.

According to Pew, “Taking the life of those who abandon Islam is most widely supported in Egypt (86%) and Jordan (82%)” — two nations viewed as relatively moderate in the Muslim world.

Foreign Muslims said they favor making the harsh Islamic legal code — the same one implemented by Saudi Arabia and Iran — the “law of the land” for Muslims and non-Muslims alike, the poll found. And they said they prefer appointing “religious judges” to enforce it.

Overwhelmingly, Muslims abroad condemn homosexuality while supporting polygamy. Shockingly large pluralities even favor “honor-killing” daughters who engage in premarital sex.

Most disturbing: Solid majorities in Egypt, Lebanon and several other Muslim nations agree that carrying out suicide bombings against non-Muslims “can be justified,” according to another Pew survey of Muslim attitudes on terrorism conducted more recently.


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