The America First Movement Isn’t Going Away

by Rebecca Bynum

As Nancy Pelosi tilts at windmills trying once again to impeach the greatest President in living memory, attempting to kill his political career once and for all, and Republicans try to retake the party and return it to Bush-Clinton mediocrity, I believe they are all miscalculating. President Trump still leads the largest and most powerful political movement in the country. The Democrats have won this round, but, as Lee Smith characterizes it, the party of the Country will remain in opposition to the party of the Establishment (both Republican and Democrat).

We will not submit to China. We will not submit to Big Tech. We will fight for our freedom. We are Americans.


2 Responses

  1. @David & Rebecca —. Amen derives from the Hebrew ‘root’ letters aleph-mem-noon’ from which the Hebrew word ‘emoonah’ faith is based. Emoonah, as I recollect is a feminine form in the Hebrew grammar as indicated by its ending syllable ‘ah.’ Thus, Nancy Pelosi’s creation, ‘awoman,’ may be considered a valid convoluted contribution to our confused community of ill-literates.
    ///. As is well known, the Good Lord has a subtle sense of humor, having ribbed Adam to create Eve as Adam’s helpmate. That men are helpless when faced by God-inspired women is no mystery, but rather God’s mercy to teach men humbleness.

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