The Conspiracy of Left and Right to Discredit Science

by Lorna Salzman (July 2015)

Huffington Post is laughable. This pretension at publishing is a low-brow joke foisted onto liberals but it is by no means the worst. Democracy Now, truthdig, alternet, et al, are far worse because they eschew lurid trivia about sex over 70 and micro-penises in favor of “serious” political analysis. Huffington gets the clown prize when it complains that “..slave owning, Indian-killing Andrew Jackson” is still on the $20 bill. Pretty soon a Huffington yellow journalist will publish heavy-breathing exposes of all the signers of the Declaration of Independence, leading to demands to remove all mention of them from our textbooks, not just our paper currency. “Benjamin Franklin was a philanderer in Paris” (we’ve already had a version of “Thomas Jefferson seduced and impregnated his favorite slave and then cut her out of his will”). Alexander Hamilton! Boy, is he going to get it from the leftist Vice Squad….even though Aaron Burr finished off that libertine and his capitalist economic views.  more>>>


One Response

  1. “Many of you may still be unconvinced about climate change, either about its human causes, its extent or its potential dangers. This is because you were deceived by the mass media who assumed that claims, studies and press releases signed by scientists with a Ph.D after their name were reliable and credible.”

    Nope. I am unconvinced because:

    – 18+ years of no warming
    – divergence of IPCC endorsed models from observation
    – steady downward estimate of CO2 sensitivity in peer-reviewed literature
    – rebound of Arctic Ice, record-breaking Antarctic ice
    – no acceleration in Sea Level rise
    – 60+ peer reviewed explanations for the pause

    Climate science is proving itself not ready for policy purposes and imagining a conspiracy theory does nothing to address the failure of climate science theory to match observations.

    You’re right about Chomsky though.

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