The Spelling Bee And Its Indian-American Winners

The story of the Indian-American winners at this year’s, last year’s, the year before last and the year before that (und so weiter) here. It’s an outlet and a sweet focus of attention on the part of young immigrant strivers.

One question immediately comes to some minds: But where are the similarly striving children of immigrant Chinese? To which a moment’s thought provides the answer: some of those Chinese immigrants  are still learning English, while the strivers among the Indian-American immigrants already have English.

But I have a different question. Why are all (judging by the names)of  the Indian-American winners who are Hindus (or possibly, in some cases, Christian or Jain) or “of Hindu background”? I don’t see a single name that suggests Islam to me. The educated Muslims (all those engineers and doctors we hear so much about for the supposed “ease” with which they integrate into American society, an attempt to suggest that under American conditions — as opposed to those in Europe — Muslim immigrants are far from being immiscible)  who  arrive from the subcontinent or England,  surely speak English just as educated Hindus do. Is it possible that the indifference to anything outside of Islam, an indifference that Islam itself encourages or even inculcates, has something to do with this paucity or possible absence of Muslim spelling-bee-ers?

Question for study and discussion.

Meanwhile, just see if you can spell “naprapathy.” And if you get that right, try “pseudocusis,” then “moxibustion,” then “geheimrat,” then — oh gosh, under the circumstances, this will be too easy —  “satyagraha.”



3 Responses

  1. Indians are the model minority community. In England, Hindus and Sikhs thrive and integrate in the same way that the Jewish community do. Even those who arrived in the 1960’s and did working class jobs, their children and grandchildren are now doctors, lawyers, businessmen.

    Contrast this with Muslim Pakistanis. Ghettoised, extremist, hateful, epidemic levels of Muslims in prison, rape gangs, jihadis.

    Seriously, it just proves how Islam is the problem. And yet the liberal establishment bends over backwards to pander to Islam, and ignores the Indian community. Shame on them.

  2. As you well know, God only grants you your prayers if you speak to him in Arabic and if d does not give a damn for English why should his most devoted followers.

  3. Among the Indian spelling bee winners, there is 1 Jain, and 2 Indian Christians. The rest are Hindu

    There is no Indian muslim, Pakistani muslim, Bangladeshi muslim or any muslim who ever wins this

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