The University Talk that Cost Ali Wheatley His Career

by A. Human Being (February 2016)

September 13, 2013: Arkham, Massachusetts, USA

If Western scholars must bury the fact that Muhammad was a mass-murderer, then something is deeply wrong with their thinking in following their convictions. If we were talking about Hitler or Stalin it would be a no-brainer.  more>>>


3 Responses

  1. Genius summary. I’ve read these crimes of Muhammad numerous times, but this time I felt the heinous nature of them on a visceral level. For the first time, not to my credit, I realized that he was a viper even for the age in which he lived.

  2. Is it worth pointing out that there’s no worthy historical evidence that Muhammad ever lived?

    No one living in the Near East (or anywhere else) between 622 and 650 CE left us any record of the existence of Muhammad, of Islam, or of Muslims.

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