Tommy Robinson back at the Old Bailey – adjourned to the Attorney General for a further hearing

I can’t be in Central London this morning due to family commitments which will take me elsewhere later today. So like everybody else I am following the tweets of Ezra Levant of Rebel Media and the live feed of Lizzie Dearden of the Independent. She seems quite excited at the prospect of Tommy going down again. 

There is a good crowd to support Tommy outside court.

Rebel Media have invited several reporters from other English speaking nations (including Avi Yemeni from Australia) to give their unbiased reports to the world.  Geert Wilders was invited, but the British government refused the Dutch Police who are detailed by the Dutch government to protect him permits for their official issue firearms. 

The trial is being heard by The Recorder of London who is the senior Judge at the Central Criminal Court. This is a criminal case as it occured at a criminal court, in connection with a criminal trial. 

The Recorder of London has heard representations from both sides and has decided to refer the matter to the Attorney General. 

Judge Hilliard was sent Robinson’s statement yesterday by his solicitor. 

“The nature and extent of the controversies to be considered emerge to my eye far more clearly from that statement than ever before,” he adds. “In my judgment the proper course is now for the matter to be referred to the Attorney General and I should not after all proceed to conduct a rehearing myself.”

Judge Hilliard says it may be necessary to look at the detail of Robinson’s broadcast so to come to an “overall picture” of what happened. If the AG takes it forward, counsel for him would be able to lead evidence and cross examine witnesses.

Judge HIlliard says cross-examination of Robinson would be necessary for there to be a proper and very necessary resolution of the underlying facts.”All the evidence must be very rigorously tested on both sides.”

So more worry, and yet another hearing. Tommy’s bail conditions remain the same. There is no date set; the Attorney General is being left to decide if, when and where, to hold it. Let’s hope he decides that Tommy served sufficient time in custody and no further proceedings are necessary. 


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